Stowe Vermont Blog by Teresa Merelman

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Stowe Vermont Real Estate
Stowe Vermont Area - Market Report of Homes Sold - 1st through 3rd Quarter 2018The period from January 1, 2018 through September 30th, 2018 when compared to the same period in 2017 - overall a mixed bag of statistics based on each town.  An improving market tends to have more sales, higher sale p...
Stowe Vermont Area - Home Sales Market Report - 1st Quarter 2018 compared to 1st Quarter 2017I have finally crunched the numbers for the 1st Quarter of 2018 home sales report in the Stowe area.  I was actually curious to see how they would come out as I could sense some market conditions but wasn...
Morristown, Vermont - Home Sales Market Report - 2008 through 2017Morristown, Vermont is a town just a bit North of Stowe, Vermont.  Morristown has a population of about 2,000 and is home to Copley Hospital.  It also has it's own school system plus a private school, Morrisville-Stowe Airport, Cop...
Waterbury, Vermont - Home Sales Market Report - 2008 through 2017Waterbury, Vermont is a very well located town in Vermont.  It is close to our major highway I-89 at exit 10.  It lies South of Stowe, North of Waitsfield/Warren, East of Burlington and West of Montpelier.  Many potential buyers lik...
Stowe, Vermont - 2017 Real Estate Market Report for Stowe Homes, Stowe Condos and Stowe Land - Trends ReportsStowe, Vermont Home Sales - 2000 through 2017:Chart 1 - shows the number of single family homes SOLD in Stowe for the years 2000 through 2017.  It shows a low of 46 homes in 2009 (recessio...
Stowe, Vermont Area - Homes Sales Market Report - 2017 compared to 2016Another year done and I have crunched the numbers.  Overall, the real estate home sales in the Stowe area which includes Waterbury VT, Morristown VT, Hyde Park VT, Johnson VT, Elmore VT and Wolcott VT showed positive signs - i...
Stowe, Vermont Area Home Sales Report - 1st Quarter 2017 Compared to 1st Quarter 2016There is definitely a mixed bag of statistics for Homes Sold in Stowe, Waterbury, Morristown, Hyde Park, Elmore, Johnson and Wolcott Vermont.  This is one of those good news and bad news reports and certainly var...
Vermont - Lamoille Area Market Report for Homes Sold in 2016 compared to 2015Overall, the Stowe Area home sales in 2016 have seen positive growth when compared to 2015.  This is good news for most sellers.  The statistics that I looked at for this report include the number of home sales, the aver...
Stowe, Vermont - Market Report of Home Sales in Stowe from 2000 through 2016Stowe, Vermont - Home Sales have seen a steady increase since 2009.  There was a decrease in 2015, but 2016 saw an increase of 28% sales.  The Average Sale Price went up 24% while the Median went down 3%.  Of significance...
Stowe, Vermont - Market Report on Land Sales in Stowe, VT - 2007 through 2016Stowe, VT Land Sales over the past 10 years have been somewhat inconsistent.  Since the recession, the number of sales have gone down with a pick up in 2012.  There was a 46% increase from 2015 to 2016.  The inventory le...

Teresa DeLuca Merelman

smartphone(802) 793-5171
local_phone(802) 760-3141
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Stowe, Vermont Blog where I write about Stowe Vermont Real Estate, Stowe Events, Stowe Real Estate Market Reports, Waterbury Vermont Real Estate, Morrisville Vermont Real Estate. Stowe Event Slideshows.
Most Expensive Homes in Town of Stowe