Teresa 's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Boardman Realty
The lowest rated blog in Minnesota, but read by many
I know I lifted this graphic from the Active Rain front page but it is perfect for my purposes to day.  This is just for fun.  My mother, a retired teacher, sent me this online quiz yesterday to see if I could pass the third grade.  Well you may find this shocking, but I can not pass the third gr...
Trulia offers real estate agents free maps for their web sites.  The map shows an agents listings in a neat little box and pin points the location.  The insturctions on how to are on the Trulia web site and it is easy to do. http://www.trulia.com/truliamap.  To make this work you must have a web ...
I met a delightful young woman last night who would like to buy her first home.  Her price range is about 20% below the average price of a home in these parts.  We met at a coffee shop and started looking at houses in our MLS.Many homes in her price range had few, or no pictures. The less expensi...
I am noticing an uptick in showings here in St. paul.  My friends in the mortgage business are busy and the freindly folks in title are telling me that they got a bunch of new orders this week.  The way I see it we have about a six week window of opportunity before the holidays.  If the weather h...
The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use.  You would not think we need another word but we do.  Blogfood(c)  is a term that I just invented.  Defined as any source of material or ideas that can be used to generate words for a blog....
I figured this would get your attention.  I love active rain but because of it I am receiving several calls a week from what I call telemarketers.  They are calling my cell phone telling me that they have leads in my area.  They really don't they are either trying to sell me seo or get me to sign...
NAR president's former home won't sellIs he using a REALTOR or is he a FSBO?Does he have it priced right?Is it staged?Is it listed by an NRT brokerage?I looked on all those web sites that give consumers free unlimted information and can not find his house.  I am thinking about starting a web site...
I have read too many articles to site on the demise of the real estate agent..  Apparently we make too much money and since that money is coming from home buyers and sellers there are a lot of people out there who are disturbed by it.   Apparently we are going to be replaced by the internet.  Now...
Has traffic gone down at open houses?   This little post created some interesting conversations both on and off line, but was too short to be worthy of points. we should talk to the point gods.                                                                                                        ...
Business has slowed a bit here in the twin cities.  I know that some REALTORS have already quit.  I am noticing that there are a lot vendors calling me these days trying to sell their marketing materials etc.  My phone rings several times a day and the caller is a sales rep.  It occured to me yes...

Teresa Boardman

local_phone(651) 401-5658
smartphone(651) 216-4603
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Real estate weenie