You know your IQ, right? At some point in your life you were given a test (or maybe you took one online) that was designed to tell you just how intelligent you are. The higher the number, the more intellectual you likely are. That's Great! Some of you are familiar with your EQ...this is a test th...
Good morning and Happy Monday, the foundation to building a strong and successful week ahead, Speaking of week ahead - Thursday is coming up and you know what that means: The Final Masterminds Mixer of 2015 where ALL are invited! This event may rival the mixer back in March with 131 in attendance...
It has finally come to an end... The Michigan Real Estate Masterminds Final 2 luncheons of 2015 are Wednesday at Andiamo's in Clarkston and Thursday at Peabody's in Birmingham. We hope to see you out... You do not want to miss this mind blowing presentation of what is right around the corner in R...
Most people outside of the industry do not understand what Realtors have to deal with day to day,but, I do so, I made a quick little video explaining just that - The 3 Things that Realtors have to deal with everyday with a little education included and with a few (a lot of) laughs along the way h...
Yes, I ...much like everyone else love Friday's and that is simply because we love our clients here at Franklin. What does that mean you ask? Well, that means that we follow up with all of our clients (friends) on Friday's so, it makes for a great day before kicking off the weekend ahead.Here at ...
                                                                       LIMITED TO 20 SEATS ONLY! Thursday, November 12th Joshua R Schneider will be educating us on all that Evernote can do for Realtors in terms of: - Going paperless - Never losing a contact or lead again - Streamlining tasks and ...
Virtual Reality Home Tours are HERE!!! Let's LEARN how to list homes properly and successfully all winter long - IMMERSE + EXPLORE Experience interior spaces like never before. Walk through a Luxury Home, Family home, Loft or Commercial building right from your desktop or iPad. Get a true feel fo...
GMAR Gives Thanks Party taking over the Hard Rock Cafe at 45 Monroe Avenue in Detroit, MI 48226 - Friday, November 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m. $50 per person gets you all you can eat all night and 3 drink tickets as well as prizes and giveaways - Open to ALL! ...Everyone! Tickets can be pur...
Hello, I hope you had a Great weekend,    Here’s an interesting article: 1. What does “requiring” the buyer to use a particular title insurance company mean? As you know, RESPA & CFPB are coming down hard on JV’s...
Welcome back... I hope you had a Great weekend,   2 Free Hours of Con-Ed: Real Estate Transactions A-Z: Mastering the Transaction Coming to GMAR This Thursday, October 29th at their office in Southfield 8:30am registration / Program 9am-12pm. Franklin Title Agency will be covering Title Insuranc...

Keith Stonehouse

Franklin Title Agency
local_phone(248) 564-4022
smartphone(248) 894-4785
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