Double Your Pleasure - Double Your Income at Buck Island Can't decide to buy a home or build on the Outer Banks? We can help! Consider the Buck Island gated community at Corolla NC on the Outer Banks.Buy a lot and build later - $279,900 MLS 68213 6 lots from the oceanBuy a lot and choose your own
The Election - one week later What's the difference between a politian and a statesman? A politian runs for office to serve his/her own best interests while a statesman serves the will of the people. Who does the President represent? I know what the answer should be. Now . . . before I continue,
Outer Banks Parade of Homes Every year the Outer Banks Parade of Homes just gets better. I don't know how the builders association continues to improve on this event year after year. Mark your calendars for October 7-10 and plan on having a great time. Be sure to dress casually and in comfortable
Beyond curb appeal on Outer Banks homes In deciding to look for a home on the Outer Banks, most buyers begin by driving by homes in neighborhoods they like or perhaps they begin with price range. Yes. This is a good way to begin, but particularly on the Outer Banks there is more to consider than
House Flooded Inside! This is a true story two times over. Several years ago one of my buyers in Ocean Sands on the Outer Banks had the ice maker water line fail and the house flooded inside. Since this was a rental home and in the off season, it was some time before the problem was found. And .
Arts and Crafts on the Outer Banks in Manteo If you've been to the Outer Banks you know there is much more to see and do than simply hang out on the beach. While our beaches and warm breezes are enough to get you to the Outer Banks, you may just want to do more. If you love fine arts and crafts,
Find Hidden Art Treasures in Duck on the Outer Banks Our visitors certainly choose Duck for the fine homes, gourmet dining, fabulous shops, not to mention the sea air and ocean motion. But there are hidden art treasures in Duck to be had if you only know where to look. Below is a list of 4 to get
Lesson on the road to Duck Some times we have the opportunity to learn something in the most unexpected circumstances. Here's my lesson on the road to Duck. The road at the south end of Duck is undergoing some major construction work. This stretch is now gravel - dusty and bumpy. Traffic now slow
Don't Call me a shrimp. I'm from the Outer Banks! Well, some shrimp are larger, some are smaller. Our Outer Banks shrimp are just better. OK. So that's my opinion. But . . . you can ask any of our local fishermen. They know of what they speak. Our Outer Banks fishermen work hard to fill our resta
Sunday Visitors at Duck Church on the Outer Banks. I must say even here at the beginning of fall we have a large number of Sunday visitors at Duck Church on the Outer Banks. The members love these visitors. No, we don't embarass our vistors by asking them to stand, but we do ask them to raise t