Our local Multi-List Service (MLS) - RealComp II - released it's stats report for May this morning and reported a record month. Sales were up 1.2% year-over-year to 6,399 units sold during May 2013. That includes all 15 of the markets that RealComp services, which is pretty much the whole metro D
I got a call recently from a friend who wanted some advice so that he could better advise some aging relatives. As is more and more often the case these days, the relatives in question are fairly elderly and in failing health. Their ability to deal with the demands or constraints of their own hom
Ed. - The report below is from our Broker - Dan Elsea. Dan gets to see an overview of the whole market in this southeastern part of Michigan. In the last two months we have seen the first sign that the market may be moving towards normal. Even though sales continue at a fast pace, new listings en
Which Township that I track started off June without any home sales in the first week of June? Which Townships that I track currently are above $100/Sq Ft in average home sale values and which are lagging behind? Were there more home sales in Brighton Township or Green Oak Township during the fir
Report after report continues to show home prices climbing at double digit rates so far this year – 10% a month ago, 12 % this month and projected at 13% next month. IS this cause for concern that another value bubble is forming in the housing market? Not really. This run-up in prices is driven b
“The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.” (Chuck Swindoll) Swindoll went on to say, “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” Today’s saying from my favorite local blog – Jack’s Winning Words. I used to spend an inordinate amoun
The warmer months in Michigan gets people outdoors and many of them are out soliciting funds for their favorite causes. Some literally stand in the street with buckets collecting for this cause or that. Many host fund raising events, with golf outings being a big favorite at this time of the year
“Sometimes you’ve got to jump off cliffs and grow wings on the way down.” (Ray Bradbury) Life is full of opportunities to use Bradbury’s saying. We all face things that we’ve never done before or challenges that we have no idea how to overcome. The timid just back away from such things, whil
“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” (Unknown) from the Jack’s Winning Words Blog. I also recall one of Archie Bunker’s favorite lines to his wife Edith – “Stifle yourself, Edith.” Do you know someone to whom you would love to just say – stifle yourself? Most people who are inveterate talker
The video below is fromthe 2013 Memorial Day Parad ein MIlford, MI. It was a special day, as it is every year, but especially so for those of us who fought in an unpopular war in Viet Nam. This is small town America at its best. Enjoy the crowds response as I did... http://youtu.be/hyH8EMgrX0I