The average sale prices are starting to bottom out. Interest rates are close to an all time low. You can read the market on just how much lower property prices will fall by the interest rates. I witnessed this in the 1990-1995 recession. Keep a good eye on the interest rates. As in every plan...
You do know all the banks are privately owned. The "Federal Reserve Bank", "The Bank Of New York" and every other bank. You do know that the bankers and insurance companies determine how and what our elected officials do. Don't you? The "dog and pony" show between parties is just that. Think a...
Yes it is; if you want to move up and can afford it. All of us know that; "the best time to buy is when everyone is selling". No matter how little you make on the sale of your current home, even if you have to pay to get out, now is the time to move up. In 1993 I had helped a young couple with tw...
What is the game plan in keeping the economy moving? What is the game plan to create "living wage jobs"? What can we do as an industry to help? I am thinking; send a message to Washington DC that we had enough of the lies, the back door deals that keep big money in big money. B of A, Citi, AIG, W...
Every were we turn we are loosing more and more of our hard earned income to wasteful government spending and entitlements. Nothing new, right? Did you know that over 60% of your money goes to some sort of tax? New Jersey has an EXIT tax for every homeowner leaving the state for a better tomorr...
I am looking for a little help. Has anyone closed any transactions with investors on a short sale, that then resold to someone obtaining a mortgage. We are seeing this as being the next best thing; per the "investors" but, I have yet to speak with anyone who has closed title with an investor, ...
Is it just me or have you noticed that there is a higher percentage of buyers on the public payroll then the private. I have been seeing the number / percentages of buyers growing who have government jobs as opposed to private sector jobs. The last several were; 1) County Marshall (gov.)/ stay at...
This past week I had just finished EXiT's "Personality Profiles" training........for the ninth time. That's right for the ninth time. After all we are in the people business. I had asked several associates to attend and hear o'so often; "I've been through that training before" and I am blown aw...
I you want know why real estate bubbles come and go? Then know everything you can about the the "Bilder Berger Group" and "Rothchild".
"Bilderberger Group", I think I have it spelled correctly. What I was told this past month has blown me away and I am wondering; "Could this information be correct." Any input would be helpful.