OK...I'm not one to really blog about popular social issues. After all, everyone else does a fine job of it. But I HAD to jump on this band wagon. With Gas Prices out of control, what are you doing to combat that? Especially when you are in real estate, a career that has one driving around li...
Starbucks. Expensive coffee, or cheap office space? You be the judge.I would say at least 85% of my SendOutCards business meetings are held at one of the many Starbucks in my area. In fact, I am sitting in one right now. I'm early for an appointment, and thought this would be an ideal blog topic....
When I know I matter to someone, I make an effort to use their products or services instead of someone I don't know. I can't even remember the last time I pulled out the Yellow Pages to find someone to give my business to, can you? (Okay, wait. I do remember. It was to call a cab. I guess I don't...
I wanted to update everyone on AR and let you know that I've made a change!I am no longer working for a title company. I've decided to go back to being self-employed! I am currently focusing on my SendOutCards business. If you've never heard of SendOutCards, check it out at
Your clients bought the house, moved in, and thought all was fine. At some point they need to enter a claim on their title insurance policy, only to be notified that "Sorry, we can't help you. You are uninsured." What? But it was all taken care of when we bought the house? How can that be?Le...
What good is Title Insurance? I will admit, prior to coming to North American Title Company, I had very little knowledge of what the title policies actually accomplished. I was a real estate agent, and here's what I knew on the subject:Title insurance premiums were part of the closing costs.Cos...
Alright, I know that title insurance isn't something that everyone finds exciting. But let's face it, as a real estate professional, you need to know about it. So I thought I'd help.For my first Title Insurance Tip, I thought I would hit on something that will make you, as an agent, appear even...
Well hello fellow ActiveRain members. It's been a while since I've logged onto's why.Blogging. What?? Yeah, I know. This makes no sense. But here it is in a nutshell:Everytime I think I understand blogging, I learn something that completely throws me. Now understand, I ha...
First of all, let me say that my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of the tragedy in MN. I was looking through articles and photos of the MN bridge that collapsed. It's moved me...first for the tragedy. But then for another reason. There is hope in every tragedy, an...
Short Sale. (Ok so that's two words...but who's counting?) If you've read the real estate headlines lately, then you've heard the term. Everyone is talking about it. It comes on the heels of the last Real Estate Buzz Word, "Foreclosures." But what is it, and why all the attention?In short (excuse...