Don't you like someone offers to help you when you don't know what you are doing? Someone who takes the time to explain to you how to improve the look of your blog, it is such a simple gesture, but it carries a BIG thoughtfulness. I just got an
Oh, there are so many things need to be done this week before Christmas, I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland............I'm late, I'm late..........No time to say goodbye/hello..........I'm late, I'm late. Do you have a habit to write down the things you need to do to remind yourself to
Don't wait till too late before calling your real estate agent to do a short sale in Marion Ar. As of today, there are 389 listings on our local Board of Realtor website, most of them are re-sale homes. Foreclosures and short sales do not occupy a big chunk of our market, which is good. At the
Owning a house may not be the right thing to do.............. My job as a real estate agent is to help my clients to find a right house for them to call it home, or help them to sell their house so they can move on to their next page in life. I got a call yesterday evening from a lady, she wanted
These Christmas trees were taken from the Marion Christmas parade last Thursday, December 2. The weather was nice, not so cold, it was kind of pleasant actually. Each year, there are local organizations enter the Christmas trees contest and they will be displayed at the Marion Christmas parade.
My Christmas Holiday Miracles-There is always another door opens when one shuts on me 2010 is no doubt a tough year for many people, not necessarily for real estate alone. I have witnessed one of my best friends lost almost everything and they have to move to another state to try to start all ov
This house will make you go ahh and ohh when you pass it. All the lights and many children story book characters display all over their front yard. It brights up the whole street. There is a motion carousel also, it is so cute, it makes you feel like you are in some sorts of children Christmas
Over 3 years ago, when I first started real estate, I put all my energy to get as many clients as I could, mostly buyers. I was excited whenever I got a chance to talk to a prospect, no matter I met them through open house, phone duty, or just someone I ran into in a grocery store. I kept count
My first pet was a dog when I was a child, I always love dogs, the bigger the better. It is just something about those big dogs, they are fierce looking and so gentle inside, they are usually very loyal and protective. I was never scared of big dogs, even when I was a little girl. For some reas
While we are so busy celebrating the holidays, let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas-the celebration of birth of Jesus Christ. I am not writing a religious post, but we need to remember Christmas is not about buying tons of Christmas gifts to our children and make them think that's the