What a fantastic trip it was! We were gone for 10 days and packed a lot in. My cousin married his love in a beautiful ceremony and let me tell you, the Italians know how to do it right!  Man oh man, the food, the dancing....the was just absolutely massive!  It was so good to see my Nan...
We broke the MeetUp record!!  The previous record was 48 MeetUps and this last round brought in over 50 with almost 300 Rainers in attendance!  I cannot express how much this means to me.  The official AR MeetUps began in Fall of 2011 and obviously they are still GOING STRONG!! Thank you, thank y...
Wow....what a week!  I am ecstatic with the response our community has had to our domain migration announcement.  The benefits are vast and I am hopeful for a strong boost for all my angelic Rainers!! Check out some rockstars who've written some pretty amazing pieces of content.  Congratulate the...
Researching the information to be shared in these Rain Buckets is a highlight of my week.  If I'm getting excited seeing your names in lights I can only imagine how you must feel.  It's a big deal, and we are very proud.   Keep submitting your content to the Trulia Contributor Program (this week ...
Happy Spring!  I'm still rocking my winter coat but the weather man says it's spring so lah dee dah!   MeetUps are kicking off next week with 48 groups getting together around the country.  Oh yeah!! We have some big numbers and big names to share with you today.  Let's dive in and see who shined...
What a week!  This daylight savings time change has set everyone in a better mood.  I feel like people are friendlier, more neighbors are out in the community walking dogs and holding is good! Life is good for some special Rainers this week too.  I found some amazing talented people...
Here is my incredible wife crossing the finish line of her 2nd 1/2 marathon this past Sunday.  Words cannot express how proud I am of her and all she accomplishes in life.
It's March and this weekend we're springing our clocks ahead so life is good!  More rays of sunshine (hopefully) are soon upon us. I am quite impressed with the high domain authority sites that have picked you guys up this past week. Not to mention the submissions we've gotten for the new Trulia ...
They're here, they're here!  The wonderful hosts have volunteered and organized a MeetUp in their area. All for the love of Rainers!   The MeetUp locations and hosts are listed below.  If you have questions regarding a specific MeetUp, please contact the host directly.  If you don't see one in y...
Rain Bucket time!  As I sit here on this Friday afternoon, it's time to highlight some Rainers.  What better way to close out the week than to highlight success stories from beyond the AR headlines.  I've been using a variety of methods to find these articles.  But if ever you are highlighted som...

Kerrie La Guardia

Let it Rain!
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