My four-year-old son gave me a crayon drawing of me that he'd made for Mothers' Day. It was beautiful! Perhaps because I realize the love he put into that drawing I have imbued it with greater value than might otherwise be the case. I prefer to think it's beautiful because my son is a budding ...
If you have never taken your family to this Museum you are missing out. The Marine Corp Museum is fantastic. It is free, free admission and free parking! If you have any unmade models sitting around your house not being used consider donating them to the Marine Corp Museum. Baghdad Hobby Club The...
Knitting For Marines Please join us for a "knit-in" on the first and third Saturday of the month from 1-4 pm in the National Museum of the Marine Corps' Leatherneck Gallery in support of Knitting For Marines. Knitters of all ages are welcome and patterns will be provided. All helmet liners w...
In my opinion, the biggest mistake is to believe that all homes for sale need to be repainted white or "builder beige" throughout. Nonsense! If the home is not in good repair, is cluttered, or does not otherwise show well, a coat of white paint is just like putting lipstick on a pig. Pale lips...
Could Ira Gershwin have been a Realtor? Surely he had the soul of a Realtor, for he wrote the immortal lyrics: The night is bitter,The stars have lost their glitter,The winds grow colder,And suddenly you're olderAnd all because ofThe buyer that got away. What? Are you sure? The man that got ...
My first career was in the securities industry. My second career (still under way) was being Super-Mommy. Being a Realtor is career number three! I've probably learned more from the Super-Mommy gig than anything else, but I did learn some useful things in the securities industry. Perhaps the ...
"SNAFU"... We've all used the term, but so few of us realize its origins. More importantly, as this is a real estate blog, we should understand how the concept applies to the buying and selling of homes. Unfortunately, snafus abound in the real estate market. Both buyers and sellers can be gu...
We've all seen the movie, "Home Alone". And just for the record, I thought "Home Alone" was much funnier than either of its sequels. But there are legal considerations involved in leaving the kids home alone - even if you're not flying off to Paris. In Prince William County, Virginia, the law s...
I have been around mostly men my entire life and I wouldn't have it any other way! I grew up with three older brothers and my father was an active part of my life. Thanks Dad, Joe, Pat and Tom for the wonderful lessons you taught me. How to kick a football, how to throw a baseball like a guy, to ...