Recent action by the Federal government has caused Mortgage Rates to Plummet. For those who have been standing on the dock, Now is Your Moment . Don't miss the Boat ! This mornings news is great for home buyers. While the news stations all are a tither over AIG and the bonuses mortgage rates have
Do you get trapped into language shifts? It is funny how the evolution of the English language eventually catches up to us all. I have always enjoyed the role that slang plays in our daily communication. Yet there have been times that I have resisted, nay, dare I say rallied against a particular
Some two plus years ago in the late fall of 2006 I was struggling to find success with an Internet marketing strategy. Over the Previous 3 or 4 years I had several web sites that had not worked out. Finally I found what I believed to be a pretty_good_platform at I chose a domain_n
When I was a kid growing up my Grandmother was a guiding force in my life. She would bake, discipline, and dispense wisdom like there was no tomorrow. One of my Grandmothers favorite sayings was " You got yourself in a real Pickle there". Then she would purse her lips together as if she had just
One of my long term past Clients Isa has not only been a good client over the years purchasing and selling investment real estate, but she has also referred me several Clients like TJ. TJ is quite typical of the home Buyers I meet in Portland Oregon. A young professional who has kept his nose to
How many times has it been said and must it be said before you get it? Perception is reality! This is the greatest time in years to make money. Not on the backs of others despair but in real opportunities awaiting around every corner. Many of the ideas being floated today in green technology, env
I have been spending a lot of time lately at the Golf Course. In fact I can not remember the last day that I was not there. At least since the first of January that is. We have really had some adverse weather here but that has not deterred me at all. Hour after hour in fact sometimes several time
One of the wonders of life is living through challenging times. In my own life the times of plenty and success have gone by like a blurr. Each and every year of prosperity virtually indistinguishable from one another. Yet I can remember the years of hardships and adversity as if they were yesterd