Tracy & Mountain House CA Real Estate Information You Can Use. Susan Goulding, Broker/Owner

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management - 01490605
Tracy California real estate blog, Susan Goulding Real estate, tracy california community blog, home buyers tracy california; home sellers tracy ca, Tracy California realtor, Keller Williams tracy california, Buy a home in Tracy, CA, short sale, foreclosures
The listing is NOT for RENT, no matter what CraigsList states.... so please Do NOT send money to a landlord in South Africa   Roxie Realtor enters her home for sale in Tracy in the MLS.  The property is vacant, shows well and should be easy to sell.  The home is priced right, and after 24 hours a...
BLAHs - ever have them?   Wonder why? That's been me... I haven't posted here for a few weeks.  WHY, no other reason than the BLAH's. I have no reason for the BLAHs, I've had clients who have had Tracy short sales approved, buyers who have purchased a new home from Meritage in Mountain House, cli...
I'd need your ruthless opinion. Do you like this? What do I need to change? Will you use this if you're a buyer or seller? TEST IT, TRY IT, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! The text below will go on my website.  Want the hottest real estate app that gives you more than just listings? Click here to get...
I often hear, I bought my home, and now it's worth half what I paid for it, what should I do?  I'm upside down, I'm on furlow days, my spouse lost thier job.  What are you options?  A short sale is usually the best option if you can't get your lender to do a loan modification. Dear TZ - When I bo...
It was just Christmas. It was just New Years. It was just President's Holiday. It was just Valentine's Day. It is ALMOST 2:00 a.m. March 11th SPRING FORWARD! Did you remember?
What do you think? Do you think we will see recovery? Read these 2012 predictions and let me know.  I'd love for the @TracyPress to pick up this story so that those who live and work in Tracy would have an accurate view of the real estate market.Real Estate Recovery or Not?2012 Predictions By the...
I love taking photos of flags flapping in the wind.   I always stop, pause and give thanks that I'm an American. That there are those fighting every day to keep our contry free. This was taken at the University of Texas, Pan American  at my son's FIRST collegiate D1 Baseball game.
I know MANY people hate dandelions in their yard. Look at the park near my house, the tiny knoll is covered with blooming dandelions.  They look so pretty.  I'm sure the City of Tracy will send the landscaping crew to mow these down before they become a garden of wishes.... (You remember being li...
Supply and Demand Market Report for 3/7/2012 Not much has changed.... there is still much more demand than there is supply in Tracy, CA. This shoud push prices upward, however we have not seen price increases YET. Are you ready to buy?  What are you waiting for?  Spring is when more buyers decide...
WOW Kerrie, this is not only a great explantion as to WHY you need strong passwords to protect yourself. There are companies that store you passwords. One thing I've done is make an online accessible excel spreadsheet (think Google Docs) that I  keep each password at.  I only have to remember ONE...

Susan Goulding

Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
smartphone(209) 914-5573
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Helping people is what I do. How can I help you? Are you looking to buy in Northern California? What about selling, do you have questions about short sales or foreclosures? Do you need to short sale your luxury home? Confidentially CALL ME.

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