GREETINGS EAGLE RIDGE COMMUNITY, MUSIC IN THE PARK IS BACK THIS SUNDAY! Please note, Vital Signwill be performing on Sunday. A designated drop-off for our disabled loved ones has been set up. Please look out for the “Disable Drop Off” A-Frame sign, located at Troon Way and Waterville Place You
Greetings Homeowners, Fourth of July is around the corner and the Association wanted to provide a friendly reminder that fireworksare strictly prohibited in the Community of Eagle Ridge as per City of Gilroy’s Fireworks restrictions at all times.Violators will be subject to the Eagle Ridge enforc
Aqua Fitness is back!!New day & time – TUESDAYS 6:00PM – 7:00PMSeason Starts Tuesday June 25!Join Eagle Ridge resident instructor Meena for weekly water aerobics classes.FIRST CLASS TUESDAY JUNE 25 !@Eagle Ridge Community Pool Pool noodles will be providedBring your own dumbbells for the activit
Kids Summer Fun in the ParkAges 7-12Bring a snack and a beverage. All participants require an adult present at all times. List of Events:Friday, June 28th: Scavenger Hunt, 10:00AM - 12:00PM Friday, July 9th: Learn & Play Bocce, 10:00AM - 12:00PM Friday, August 16th: Water Balloons, 11:00AM - 1:
GREETINGS EAGLE RIDGE COMMUNITY, MUSIC IN THE PARK IS BACK THIS SUNDAY! Please note, Moondance Bandwill be performing on Sunday. A designated drop-off for our disabled loved ones has been set up. Please look out for the “Disable Drop Off” A-Frame sign, located at Troon Way and Waterville Place
Kids Summer Fun in the ParkAges 7-12 Bring a snack and a beverage. All participants require an adult present at all times. List of Events: Friday, June 28th: Scavenger Hunt, 10:00AM - 12:00PM Friday, July 9th: Learn & Play Bocce, 10:00AM - 12:00PM Friday, August 16th: Water Balloons, 11:00AM -
GREETINGS EAGLE RIDGE COMMUNITY, MUSIC IN THE PARK IS BACK THIS SUNDAY! Please note, Stompboxwill be performing on Sunday. A designated drop-off for our disabled loved ones has been set up. Please look out for the “Disable Drop Off” A-Frame sign, located at Troon Way and Waterville Place You
Aqua Fitness is back!! New day & time – TUESDAYS 6:00 – 7:00pm Season Starts Tuesday June 25! Join Eagle Ridge resident volunteer Meena for weekly water aerobics classes. FIRST CLASS TUESDAY JUNE 25 !@Eagle Ridge Community Pool Pool noodles will be provided Bring a friend or make some new ones.
Aqua Fitness is back!! New day & time – TUESDAYS 6:00 – 7:00pm Season Starts Tuesday June 25! Join Eagle Ridge resident volunteer Meena for weekly water aerobics classes. FIRST CLASS TUESDAY JUNE 25 !@Eagle Ridge Community Pool Pool noodles will be providedBring a friend or come alone and make so
GREETINGS EAGLE RIDGE COMMUNITY, MUSIC IN THE PARK IS BACK THIS SUNDAY! Please note, Black Velvetwill be performing on Sunday. A designated drop-off for our disabled loved ones has been set up. Please look out for the “Disable Drop Off” A-Frame sign, located at Troon Way and Waterville Place Y