Sooner or Later, Fed Changes Impact Dallas Home Loan Rates On January 6, the Senate confirmed Janet Yellen to head the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, making it the first time ever that a woman has led the nation’s most important financial institution. In some respects, it makes her the m
Action Plan for Selling a Property in a Bad Neighborhood This spring, all signs point to our Dallas real estate market being a sizzling hot one. For anyone who will be selling a property soon, it’s time to take stock of the factors that will influence how attractive (and competitive) their off
If you own a luxury home in Dallas, this will be good to know: according to researchers at DataQuick, the number of homes sold at more than $1 million rose nationally by 37% in the first half of 2013. Last Friday, the Wall St. Journal headed its Mansion section with “the recovery in high-end rea
Your first open house in Dallas can be compared to a movie’s world premiere. We may not have strobes flashing and paparazzi jostling each other, but all eyes are definitely on the above-the-title headline star: your house. It’s a star that has to look its glamorous best, too, or the fans will be
That Dallas real estate prices have been on the rise for a while is certainly one factor that has coaxed some of the more cautious buyers off the sidelines. It’s made the market a much more lively (and happy!) place than it was a few years ago—and forecasters are fairly uniform in predicting cont
It’s a little like fashion in men’s ties. The really wide or narrow ones you laugh at today will be back in style sooner or later. There’s an analogy in our North Dallas homes for sale listings. After the financial crisis in 2007, the average size of homes began to shrink. One major casualty was
Spring signals the traditional start of real estate’s busy selling season, and while that’s all well and fine, when it comes to making your own momentous personal real estate decision—whether to buy a home or to sell your own—trying to decide exactly when to make the move is easier said than don
When we read or hear that urban dallas property values continue to be on the rise, it’s a relief. No matter what else is going on, at least our real estate investment’s back on track! That comforting thought has a less reassuring sidebar, though, having to do with time and its effect on our in
When it comes time to put your home on the market, one key early decision is which dallas area realty company will be your sales partner. Of course, you will choose someone you feel comfortable working with, but there are further hard-nosed criteria that can help guide your choice: Experience
There some great points made here and very important for home sellers to take note. The best way to sell a home is pricing it correctly, so the property does not sit on the market for 3-6 months. There's a certain amount of work that goes into creating an infographic based on the feedback of over