Blogging is great in Atlanta. It keeps you out of the 105-degree heat! I don't even want to go to Whitewater!And since joining ActiveRain less than a week ago, I am now a prolific writer with 7 blogs, including this one under my belt. I wish this paid as well as Harry Potter.Here's my summary - I...
I love photography -- Good photography.Years ago I was an eager amateur. I even had my own darkroom where I played with shading and lighting. The enjoyment was in discovering the nuance in the image. Since then, I've spent untold hours art directing photographers taking pictures of commercial bui...
When the time comes to sell my house and purchase another, I'm going to use a professional realtor."Hurray," they all say. "Pick me!"That's right. I don't want to have people calling me wanting to see my home. I don't want to negotiate a contract. And I don't want to hear shoppers say that they d...
There are a lot of ideas among realtors about what makes the perfect closing gift. Many seem to agree that it should be personal. Others are concerned that it be memorable so that there is a long-lasting, and hopefully positive, recollection of the realtor who assisted in the purchase or sale.Gre...
I have received some very nice hits on my first-ever blog about converting hits to customers. They certainly have left me wanting to blog more and learn more. Thus, this follow-up blog.Several comments welcomed me to ActiveRain and the art of blogging. Those were my "feel-good" comments. Then the...
This could be interesting. But I feel sleep deprivation coming over me. I've written my first blog, commented on blogs and now am into day two.So here's my question of the day. Should I push some commercial realtors I know into ActiveRain? What's the commercial side of the house doing?I have a cl...
Are we all beginning to act like Arnold Horshak? “Ooo, ooo, ooo.” Choose me! Choose me!If you’re not old enough to remember Arnold or haven’t seen the reruns of “Welcome Back Kotter,” read on anyway. Although I am not a realtor, I have specialized in providing marketing services to commercial rea...