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For a more enjoyable time with this post please click on following link. I promise. Eye catching display on the Chapin Highway in Ballentine. I love the ghost in this picture. See it right above where "there's a big black crow... and he's calling you home." (Eagles fans will get it.) Can
I'm trying to keep fit this year, and by doing so keep my doctor and his nurse happy. I tell Molly, "Geez, you've put weight on me again this year." She says, "Hey I didn't shove the food in your mouth. It's not my fault." I say, "I bet your husband has a hard time living with you." She says
Photo Gallery191 Quinton CourtKitchenLiving RoomGuest BathMaster BedroomMaster BathLarge BackyardRight SideDescriptionLow maintenance near Lexington Medical Center, landscaped with sprinklers front & side. Large fenced backyard with patio, lighting, storage, gutters. Beautiful entrance, front por
Unbelievable! Before Hurricane Ike even has a chance to hit Texas, and possibly the oil refineries there, gas prices spiked here in Columbia, gas lines were forming and even gas rationing was reported in Sumter. The lead story in today's paper: Gas Spikes Ahead of Ike - The State Newspaper Che
I was at work. A girl who was listening to the radio said that a plane had hit one of the towers. We scrambled to turn on a small black and white television set with rabbit ears that we had at the office. We saw the second plane hit live on the black and white. We saw a tower crash to the gro
5:00AM - "Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head..." I gotta learn how to do "wrap-around" text, if that's the right description of how to get the text and pictures to line up together. 6:00AM - Plans laid for a really productive day in greater Columbia, SC real estate. Wh
Someone finally went too far in their "coverage" of the news. My brother and I were having a long conversation about this topic over the weekend, so this story on Yahoo! today jumped out at me. We were simply reminiscing about fair and balanced journalism and how it is now DEAD. We also rememb
Mirela Monte, a Myrtle Beach, SC real estate agent who writes a popular blog on activerain asked fellow Realtors for houses for a market comparison. She had responses from all over the country. I sent her a property right across the street from Lake Murray in the $300,000 range. She sent back:
South Carolina Realtors may now subscribe to the latest real estate market information by way of twitter! I'm not too sure about how it works, which leads me to believe that our children are probably all over it. Even our State Representative had on his blog how he and his wife were 'nerds' now