ActiveRain Success Stories
Carlton Dunko, Carlton Dunko (Gallant Services)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Carlton Dunko is the Founder and CEO of Gallant Services in Tampa, Florida, which is a business consulting company specializing in reducing non-revenue producing load for small to medium sized businesses."
Frank Iglesias, Atlanta, GA Real Estate Investor (Working With Houses, LLC - Atlanta Real Estate Investments)
said almost 12 years ago,
"My favorite success story is actually one where my wife helped a lady have her home go through a successful short sale process. It was an emotional time for the Seller but my wife helped her through the entire thing from start to finish. When it came time to close, there was a lot of delightful and thankfulness in the air. All parties appreciated the opportunity to get it done!"
Scott Mathew (DEBT)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Contributing original contents all over the nation."
Harold6893 ssd, Harold6893 (angeles)
said almost 12 years ago,
Handy Cash, Handy Cash (Handycash.co.uk)
said almost 12 years ago,
"To have a look at how you can reduce costs with your bank by going to a payday loan direct lender, visit our website at www.handycash.co.uk. And you can also get more information about direct payday loans lenders, payday loans with bad credit, payday loan direct lender, payday loans no credit check, Quick Payday loan UK, Instant payday loan UK."
StepStone Realty, Freedom to Succeed (StepStone Realty, LLC)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Recently my blog entitled "Why Short Sales are the Easiest Way to Grow Your Business" was featured by Active Rain on the Daily Drop. I got a lot of great comments and feedback from agents all over the country and we signed up 43 new agents for our short sale processing program!
One agent who registered on our site ended up getting a listing out of it too! Often times, distressed sellers contact us directly and we happily hand those sellers off to agents who have registered with us in the past. One such seller contacted us that week from Hawaii. We had yet to work with an agent in Hawaii so we weren't sure what to do. But thanks to Active Rain, an agent from Hawaii read my blog and registered with our site. I bet he was surprised to get handed a listing the very same day he registered!
Active Rain is not only helping me grow my business, its helping us match seller with Active Rain agents."
kim lorson, StepUp finance (Step Up Finance Firm)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Do you need a loan ?
In order to expand our activities, we render financial assistance to both private individuals and corporate bodies at 3%/Annum, irrespective of their credit rating. If the offer interests you please contact us for further information. E-mail: stepupfinance@365trade.net
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Verna Stankevich, 28Houses (Brighton Market Center)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Licensed Since 1988, Member of NAR National Association of Realtors, MAR Michigan Association of Realtors, LAR Livingston Association of Realtors and Realcomp Multiple Listing Service MLS"
Brenda Sours, Native Austinite - 512-914-6118 (Reilly Realtors)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Blogging has proven a very powerful form of SEO. I've received numerous contacts from the blogs I've posted on ActiveRain."
Jim Hale, Eugene Oregon's Best Home Search Website (ACTIONAGENTS.NET)
said almost 12 years ago,
"I've only been a member of Active Rain for three months. But I've both given and received a referral.
I'm homing in on being the top-rated REALTOR blog (second blog overall) on AR for my home county (305,000 population).
More importantly, I have learned an incredible amount about: market trends around the country, the experiences others are having with short sales, SEO, social network marketing, financing options, other aspects of personal and brokerage marketing, blogging techniques and many other subjects. Real "how to" stuff!
I've especially learned a lot about the activities of of other REALTORS and real estate professionals here in Oregon.
I'm integrating my outside blog into my other promotional activities (and vice-versa) I find it extremely helpful to be able to say: "Here's what you'll find on my real estate blog about....your question or issue."
I learn new things here everyday. I implement ideas as fast as I can.
AND I've had GREAT FUN interacting with all the others who are "Walking Between the Drops"."
Sharon Alters, Realtor - Homes for Sale Fleming Island FL (Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty - 904-673-2308)
said almost 12 years ago,
"In January this year, a man contacted me from my blog here on Active Rain. We just closed his new home a couple of weeks ago, at $480,000. He and his family are thrilled with their new home and we have made some new friends. That is the power of Active Rain!
Just last week I showed houses to a couple who is living in Moscow! They contacted me because they said that I knew the most about my area, which is where they want to live when they relocate here. It will be next year before they buy, but just wanted to celebrate that Active Rain is definitely a global source for Buyers!
A man contacted me from Active Rain who was a first time home buyer. He was interested in short sales and foreclosures. We wrote an offer on a short sale which was declined in December. We continued looking and found another home that was a fantastic price and not a short sale. We wrote an offer and they closed in March. I just saw his wife last week and they are absolutely thrilled with their new home! Thank you, Active Rain for such great Google juice!
A couple contacted us last week and we listed their home for sale. They found us on Active Rain and they have already referred us to another seller and we are going to list her place when we return from our trip. Folks, Active Rain works!"
Tori Weiss- Hamstead, Realtor, CSP Military Relocation (Remax Horizons, Dover Delaware Realtor)
said almost 12 years ago,
"I am excited to be part of activerain - I am so glad that agents that have searched for my info have been able to find me on active rain, I have even had clients find me on active rain!"
Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder (The DiGiorgio Group)
said almost 12 years ago,
"I discovered Active Rain at a time when business was so slow I was considering giving it up. The silver lining to that time in my life was that I had a perfect opportunity to learn something new, and that was blogging! Active Rain was my source for encouragement, tutorials for how to write an attractive and well-received blog post, and lots and lots of learning. I felt like I would never learn how to make posts that were as good as those I saw on this site every day, but I found that Active Rain had made a lot of things easy - like posting photos, creating links, formatting, and getting SEO. I worked hard for over a year, but then about half of my business last year came from people who found me online, which wouldn't have happened without Active Rain!"
Jan Bleakley, Jan Bleakley (Better Homes and Gardens/Kansas City Homes)
said almost 12 years ago,
"My sales and marketing experience is my absolute success story. I have held not-for-profit and for-profit executive marketing positions. With each step of my career, I experienced success and significant sales productivity increases. I have developed market studies for many areas of the country. I have a clear understanding of the unique market issues in each of the communities of Kansas City. I apply my 'people-skills' and very broad marketing/ sales background to each and every home buyer or seller."
Becky Brown, Realtor, Broker (Focus Matters Realty Group)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Today I joined Active Rain!!"
Marie Westerman, New Homes Sales Specialist Evans GA REALTOR (Blanchard and Calhoun Real Estate/ Wilson Parker Homes)
said almost 12 years ago,
"ActiveRain has been a valuable and incredible asset to my desire to reach the masses of home buyers and sellers. Augusta Ga is a transient area. Bringing not only the GREAT MILITARY PCSing to FT Gordon but many other growing businesses to the area. MCG, T MOBIL, Southern Companies Plant Vogtle, Knology, ADP and many other businesses.
AUGUSTA is Booming!!
2010 Has been a incredible year so far concerning referral business that I have sent out to agents in Lovelace Colorado as well as NJ. I received the inquires from home owners in these areas that found me from my Active rain and social media marketing. I immediately logged into active rain and searched for agents that were strong on active rain and called them. I did a pre-interview for my clients and then decided who I felt would best serve their needs. It has been very lucrative to have the access to such great agents because of ActiveRain.
I welcome you and am here to assist you."
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912, FLorida Real Estate Connector (Trans State Commercial Realty Inc. )
said almost 12 years ago,
"I received a telephone call from a buyer looking to purchase an apartment building in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I asked how he had heard about me and he said he "googled" me. When pressed further he indicated it was something called "Active Rain".... which appears on the first page of google.
He went on to say he clicked AR looking for commercial brokers. He had to scroll down to find me. Naturally, I retraced the steps to find I am listed at #14 on the site and the only commercial broker in Ft Lauderdale!
Although he has yet to make the purchase, the power of online presence and how the public perceives your associations is powerful. Thanks Active Rain! Congrats on hitting the 200,000 members mark!.
A big shout out to Terri Dean in Baltimore who referred a transaction my way. A family member afflicted with memory loss in her area of the country owned properties in multiple states with one guardian residing in a totally different state. Terri was able to achieve disposition in Maryland and likewise for me in Florida! Thanks Active Rain"
Krista Gill (RE/MAX Land Exchange Ltd. Brokerage - The Saugeen Team)
said almost 12 years ago,
"I am writing it as we speak."
Than Maynard, Broker - Licensed to List & Sell - 405-990-8862 (Coldwell Banker Heart of Oklahoma)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Two months after signing up with AR I received an email from a potential client. She was wanting to sell an acreage that she had inherited. She had located me on AR. She had read my profile and knew I had an agriculture background, plus we graduated from the same college. She stated she had listed with a "big city" agent, who took the listing in hopes a local agent would sell the property. After exchanging several emails and other suggestions on how to best market the property I received the listing. Two more months have passed and I just closed this transaction. The Seller netted more than they hoped and the Buyer is extremely happy. Great and successful transaction all the way around. There was even a story about some of the trees being planted to honor soldiers from that community who served in WWII."
Sharan Plaston, seoservices68 (Seo services uk)
said almost 12 years ago,
"Have you recently worked with an SEO company that didn't deliver results?"