How I have achieved success from almost day one in property sales since we moved here full time in 9/2008.
I listen to my clientele and than together we create our plan of action to achieve our goal.
"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." Phyllis Diller "Oops! I spilled!" Do you know how to clean up a spill from your beautiful carpet? Whether it's a child's spilled milk or an adult's goblet of wine, the first and most important step for preventing a spill from turning into a stain is by blotting up as much moisture as you possibly can. If there are solids, scrape them up and blot with lots of clean towels. Paper towels work well. Here is one key pointer. Do not rub! If you're thinking of using spot remover, wait until you have thoroughly blotted the area. You probably know that club soda is an instant spot remover. Pour a little on the spot, wait a few seconds, and blot the area. While you are waiting for the sp...
Happy Birthday McDONALDS - April 15th What's your McDonalds favorite? french fries for me! 262-893-5555 Office/Cell (888) 872-0526 Direct Fax Proudly Serving Southcentral and Southeastern Wisconsin with Referrals from my Clients Look for properties across Wisconsin on MLS at Check out my Blogs!
5 Reasons To Do It NOW! Selling Your House? The conventional wisdom when selling a home has always been to wait until the ‘Spring Buying Season’. Over the years, that has seemed to make sense and is now accepted as a good strategy for those who want to sell their house and receive the best possible price. This real estate market has shattered many previously held beliefs. The wisdom of waiting for a spring market is another belief that is about to fall. Here are five reasons why? 1.) Interest Rates Are On the Rise Interest rates have spiked up rather dramatically over the last ninety days and are now over 5%. Initially, an increase in rates has a positive effect on the market as it forces buyers off the fence. However, it also eats into a buyer’s purchasing power. As rates increase, the...
5 Mental Attitudes of Winners Simply put, all top performers expect that they are going to succeed, and because of this they consistently take the actions that lead them to achieve their goals and become successful. It is their mental attitudes that allow them to meet obstacles, set backs and temporary failures with a new resolve to keep trying, or to try something different, until they succeed. That’s what puts them in the top 20% producers. The other 80%, on the other hand, expect things to be difficult, have already accepted that they might not succeed, and they are easily discouraged when things don’t go their way. This attitude allows them to justify and accept the results they get. If you are serious about changing your life, then get in the practice of working on your mental att...
What a great few weeks for Wisconsin Sports! Green Bay Packer - World Champions Badgers defeat Ohio State Mark Wilson leads in FEDEX standings! Am I missing anything?????
Locking in on Interest Rates.... Don't fall victim to lender games. Three Steps Locking the rate on a mortgage means obtaining a lender's commitment that it will make the specified loan at the specified rate, points and other fees within a specified future period. It used to be quite easy. In 2005, I guided a friend through the entire process at an online site and we locked his refinance within an hour. No more. My e-mail register is clogged with complaints about the rate-locking process. Most complaints arise out of lock delays -- the borrower requests a lock today but it isn't provided until days or weeks later. Such delays involve risk to the borrower that the market rate will increase, or that the lender will claim that it has. Delays are more frequent today than before the financia...
Great article to share with anyone who is on the fence about buying a home now! Many purchasers have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for home prices to hit bottom. They want to guarantee that they are purchasing at the best possible price. Like them, we also believe that prices still have some room to fall in most markets. However, we disagree that waiting is a good financial decision. The buyer should not be concerned about housing prices. They should be concerned about cost. The cost of a house is made up of the price AND THE INTEREST RATE they will be paying. Two different pieces of news released yesterday highlight this point. PRICES The National Association of Realtors (NAR) released their 4th quarter housing research report. In the release, they reported that home sales rose...