
Hartland, WI Real Estate News

By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 5/12/2011 to 6/12/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 9 sold in the last 30 days: 1 were listed and sold by the same company, and 8 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 25 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 7 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 1 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 19 expired listings. In the...
Comments 2
Kristin Johnston,Waukesha County WI Realtor, Gives You The Real Estate Activity For Hartland, WI For the Last 30 Days: Real Estate In Waukesha County, WI  My name is Kristin Johnston of Remax. My market report gives you the real estate activity for Hartland, WI for the last 30 days. I strongly encourage any seller that is looking to market their property this year to get a sound feeling for what it is worth. It's a wonderful time to buy a home in Waukesha County. Real estate in Waukesha County is now an excellent investment, prices are superb, selection is great, and the rates are outstanding. Please feel free to call me for any of your real estate needs, including an online market if you are a seller, or finding a home in Waukesha County. The following MLS information is for the last 3...
Comments 15
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/30/2011 to 5/31/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 6 sold in the last 30 days: 0 were listed and sold by the same company, and 6 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 23 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 5 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 16 expired listings. In the...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone in Waukesha Couny Real estate and everywhere else.  As people are barbecuing this Memorial Day weekend, and everyone starts off their summer with a long weekend of enjoyment it is important to take a minute and thank those that so bravely put on a uniform and protect our freedom and remember those that payed the ultimate price in order for freedom to be so enjoyed. Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone in Southeastern Wisconsin, Waukesha County Real estate and everywhere! Click a link to search  Wisconsin and Lake Country real estate and homes for sale, Oconomowoc Wisconsin Real Estate, or any Waukesha County Real Estate, or Lake Country Real Estate Email me at or call me at 262-893-5555 for any questions. On-line value? Mark...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Property taxes --- and what is deductible Taxes Can property taxes be deducted? Property taxes on all real estate, including those levied by state and local governments and school districts, are fully deductible against current income taxes. Mortgage interest and property taxes are deductible on a second home if you itemize. Check with your accountant or tax adviser for specifics. How are property taxes configured? Property taxes are what most homeowners in the United States pay for the privilege of owning a piece of real estate, on average 1.5 percent of the property's current market value. These annual local assessments by county or local authorities help pay for public services and are calculated using a variety of formulas. How does home mortgage tax deductions work? The mortgage in...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Hartland Wisconsin Real Estate market activity for the last 30 days When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/24/2011 to 5/24/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 6 sold in the last 30 days: 2 were listed and sold by the same company, and 4 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 25 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 4 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In th...
Comments 2
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Insurance What kind of insurance do I need? A standard homeowners policy protects against fire, lightning, wind, storms, hail, explosions, riots, aircraft wrecks, vehicle crashes, smoke, vandalism, theft, breaking glass, falling objects, weight of snow or sleet, collapsing buildings, freezing of plumbing fixtures, electrical damage and water damage from plumbing, heating or air conditioning systems, according to the Insurance Information Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group for the insurance industry. Such policies are "all-risk" policies, which cover everything except earthquakes, floods, war and nuclear accidents. A basic policy can be expanded to include additional coverage, such as for floods and earthquakes and even workers' compensation for servants or contractors....
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Improving Real Estate Are there government programs for rehabilitation? The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 203 (K) rehabilitation loan program is designed to facilitate major structural rehabilitation of houses with one to four units that are more than one year old. Condominiums are not eligible. The 203(K) loan is usually done as a combination loan to purchase a fixer-upper property "as is" and rehabilitate it, or to refinance a temporary loan to buy the property and do the rehabilitation. It can also be done as a rehabilitation-only loan. Plans and specifications for the proposed work must be submitted for architectural review and cost estimation. Mortgage proceeds are advanced periodically during the rehabilitation period to finance the construction costs....
Comments 3
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/24/2011 to 5/24/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 6 sold in the last 30 days: 2 were listed and sold by the same company, and 4 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 25 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 4 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 16 expired listings. In the...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Condos and Home Associations Are condos a good investment? Condominiums have held their value as an investment despite economic downturns and problems with some associations. In fact, condos have appreciated more in the past few years than when they first came on the scene in the late 1970s and early 1980s, experts say. While there are lots of reports about homeowners association disputes and construction-defect problems, the industry has worked hard to turn its image around. Elected volunteers who serve on association boards are better trained at handling complex budget and legal issues, for example, while many boards go to great lengths to avoid the kind of protracted and expensive litigation that has hurt resale value in the past. Meanwhile, changing demographics are making condomini...
Comments 2
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
What is your home valued at -- and how it that figured determined? Home Price Appreciation How can I improve the value of my property? Outside of a homeowner's control, the biggest factor is market conditions. Other important issues are: condition of the property specific home improvements neighborhood stability and safety The greatest rise in home prices occurs when the economy is strong and the number of home sales is increasing. Specific home improvements can increase the value above the cost of the improvements. remodeled bathroom returns, 81 percent to the owner bathroom addition, 89 percent master bedroom suite, 82 percent Remember, quality pays. Well-planned and well-executed remodeling jobs are a good investment while bad work seldom enhances value or livability. The safety and ...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Rent to own homes may be an option, but the choices are very limited.     Less than 5% of available homes are offered with a rent to own option.    What Is a Rent-to-Own? A rent-to-own purchase is a lease combined with an option to purchase the property within a specified period, usually 3 years or less, at an agreed-upon price. The borrower pays a down payment fee, usually 3% to 5% of the price, which is credited to the purchase price. The borrower pays rent, and an additional rent premium that is also credited to the purchase price.If the purchase option is not exercised, the buyer loses both the down payment fee and the rent premium.   As with any kind of financial contract, rent-purchase deals can be structured in such a way that all the benefits flow to one of the parties and none...
Comments 4
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Time to start thinking SELLING - Here's how to get started... Selling Your Home Sometimes, life just hands us the inevitable: just when everything seems right with your home, something happens and you have to sell your dwelling.  No matter what your reasons are for selling, remember that now is no time to dawdle, the process of preparing a home for sale can take a month or more. So, here's how to start:   1. Take a Fresh Look at Your Home Your home looks great to you, but a buyer wants to see it since he and his family will be living in it -- so take a fresh look at your dwelling. Hop in your car, drive around the block, and then scrutinize your home as a prospective buyer will see it for the first time. First, consider what's called "street appeal;" does it need washing or painting? Do...
Comments 5
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
Hartland Wisconsin Real Estate market activity for the last 30 days When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/15/2011 to 5/15/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 5 sold in the last 30 days: 4 were listed and sold by the same company, and 1 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 18 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 3 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In th...
Comments 4
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/15/2011 to 5/15/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 5 sold in the last 30 days: 4 were listed and sold by the same company, and 1 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 18 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 3 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 14 expired listings. In the...
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By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
In this installment of  Lisa Bear, How do I find the right real estate agent in Waukesha County? Series (#4 of 6)  we will talk about Waukesha County real estate agents specializing in different areas of the real estate Industry. This might seem very interesting to note that I see many Waukesha County real estate agents taking on different projects but I also know many that have a certain niche they have developed. There are those that I know which their niches make them strong. I know some people that work primarily on short sales. It requires a lot of time but because they have it down they make their numbers work. Then again I know agents that do nothing but land development and subdivisions. Again, these agents sell other avenues of real estate but they have a great knowledge of lan...
Comments 2
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/8/2011 to 5/8/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 5 sold in the last 30 days: 4 were listed and sold by the same company, and 1 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 21 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 4 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 17 expired listings. In the H...
Comments 2
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 4/1/2011 to 5/1/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 4 sold in the last 30 days: 4 were listed and sold by the same company, and 0 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 16 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 4 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 18 expired listings. In the H...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
N77 W31761 Northwoods Drive HARTLAND, WI Beautiful North Lake and a private lot makes for paradise. Home was gutted in 1974 and completely redone. Pontoon boat, pier, and trailer included. 4b 4BR/2BA Single Family House $529,900 Year Built 1964 Sq Footage 1,760 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors Unspecified Parking 2 Car garage Lot Size 33,600 sqft HOA/Maint $0 per month     Description Beautiful North Lake and a private lot makes for paradise. Home was gutted in 1974 and completely redone. Pontoon boat, pier, and trailer included. 4bdr home with lots of light. Call for complete list of lots of updates.Parklike yard,67' of frontage, and this is an unheard opportunity to get on one of the greatest lakes in Waukesha County. All newer windows, newer 200 amp service, newer roof,...
Comments 5
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
When you are looking for homes for sale in Hartland Wisconsin, buying a home in Hartland Wisconsin or need Waukesha County Real Estate you can always search everything with our MLS search button below. The following information is for the period of 3/15/2011 to 4/15/2011 and is for the entire MLS content for this period. In the Hartland real estate market 4 sold in the last 30 days: 0 were listed and sold by the same company, and 4 were sold by a co-broke In the Hartland real estate market there were 24 new listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 2 pending listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Hartland Real Estate market there were 15 expired listings. In th...
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