Wisconsin Bee Keeping and creatures of Habit
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Temperature are warming up in Waukesha County Real Estate and old habits and rituals start coming into play again; even if they are something you have not done for awhile. Come late March and early April the Bee farmers will go out to their colonies and unwrap the protection so the bees can get ready for Spring. The Queen will be checked to see how she is doing, the drones and workers as well. The hives with be checked for any pests or animals that may have tried to get at them.One can never understand the feeling that comes with bee keeping. Nature really took some time out and perfected the ritual. The sad thing is bees are vanishing at an alarming rate and when they are gone, there is a good chance the earth as we know it will be totally This is something I miss. Going out in the m...