Olympic Vista (Union, WA)
By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Quiet rolls in with the thick night air. Hood Canal reflects the mountains thoughts and the trees are standing tall in accounting. Beneath the surface whales sound and the Octopus drifts along unrolling it's tentacles in search of what is next. The birds float into their nests and settle in as the Owl hoots to remind us the night in drawing in. The Lights along the shore blink awake and smoke drifts out as the wood heat melts the chill back. A frog croaks and a fish jumps with a splash. All is well and awaiting a new dawn.
Comments 13
By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
 I took this photo a couple of months ago while I was out showing property. It occurred to me that if there really is a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow then the home owners in Hoodsport are in luck! I feel fortunate to have grabbed this photo because minutes later the rainbow and the mist were both gone. It reminded me of the Orca whale pictures I took in these same waters. Every time I snapped a picture it would take the pictures once the whale was under water again. I have beautiful pictures of saltwater spray and half fins and tails.The Whales should be back again this October, hopefully this time I will capture one with my new camera.
Comments 10
Union, WA Real Estate Professionals