
Moses Lake, WA Real Estate News

By Ben Kinney, We do real estate:Tech, Training, Sales, Brokerage
(Ben Kinney Team)
 Clover Dr, Moses Lake 98837Remarkable Commercial Property Close to the I-90 and Hwy 17 Crossroads. Conveniently located between Lowe's Home Improvement and Moses Lake High School. Water, sewer and power are available in the street ready for commercial/retail development. Property is platted and Binding Site plan is ready to go. Up to 30 adjoining acres also available. John Angier(360) 527 - 6606Keller Williams Western Realty 
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
Gardening is one of my passions and to see a well manicured garden is a joy. Recently I was inspecting near Moses Lake and had the chance to see this garden. It is fall so many of the plants have been removed or cut back for the year but the garden still shows the time it has received at the hands of its caregiver. I think, during full production the garden was a real beauty to see. Spending time in such a garden that is clean and orderly can be relaxing and eating the fruits of your work is a reward worth the effort.  As a home inspector I get to see some of these little wonders of our everyday life, an added benefit to my line of work:) Have a great day!    
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
I talk to other inspectors on a daily basis, Don Hester of NCW Home Inspections, LLC and I keep in touch a lot. We discuss inspection issues and how they relate to our work. During these conversations we research issues and discuss them from different view points. I have found this to be a great learning/training tool.   Schools are also a great way to learn and earn credits for the Washington State requirements. They are informative and they allow us to interact in person with other inspectors from around the state. One problem with the 'official' training is the cost and time it takes to get there. For me training is just one call away, I wonder if I could log my phone calls and send that to the state for credit?  I know some inspectors that have morning coffee together and share expe...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Silent Sunday         
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
The Value of Home Maintenance Regular home maintenance is key to preserving the value of your house and property. Read Visit for more articles like this. Copyright 2010 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®
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Moses Lake Wa Museum and Art Center to Host Historic Photographs and Artifacts! The Grace Wenzel Photograph collection will be on display at the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center. The historic collection of photographs donated to the Moses Lake Museum by Grace Wenzel in 1959 documents the travelers of the Old Indian Trails across North Central Washington and neighbors of her father James Christianson who usurped their home in 1884. OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 12, 2010 the exhibit will available for viewing at the 228 West Third Avenue location in downtown Moses Lake. Hours are 11am to 5pm, Tuesday through Saturday, and admission is FREE. In Addition artifacts from the Columbia Plateau culture from the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture will be on display. MAC, Moses Lake Museum & Art Ce...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
My First Client Recommendation Letter!   Remember what it was like when you first fell in love? When your first child was born? When your first child took their first step? Well this is not like that. But it feels pretty darn close! The prep, the study time, the money invested, working for that first sale, getting a few sales, getting a couple over-priced listings (never again!), having to start my business over TWICE! So I work hard, collect my commission check, it's gone the next day because I am just starting out and bills have to be paid; and that is the reward...right? Right? Well that and knowing you have done your best and the client has benefited from your work. But THIS! Now THIS is a reward worth waiting for! My first letter of recommendation! Ahhh... puts the spring back in m...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Old, Young Friends Decided the other day to look up an old, young friend. She was 15 when we hired her to hostess in our restaurant. What a gem! A, you can always count on and would not hesitate to leave her with your life savings, kind of employee. By the time we sold she was 20 and moving up and on to better things. She had also become like a daughter, and one of those friends you know you will always keep in touch with. I had not talked to her for a year or so and when we re-connected on facebook, I delighted in the fact that she expressed joy in hearing from me. Through her FB I also re-connected with two other old, young friends. One whom I have known since she was about 10. When she was older she came to work for us. The other, we hired and she quickly endeared herself to us. We w...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Moses Lake, Wa's Yonewaza Park It is no longer a "Field of Weeds"! Yonezawa Park is now a beautiful lawn area with picnic tables, trees (small ones - but let's be forward thinking), soccer goal nets, and even a porta-potty. It is appropriately located on Yonewaza Ave. The Moses Lake Christian Church, which is being prepared for use, is on one side, a fence runs along the backside, and homes on the 3rd side. I use Yonewaza Rd regularly and I very much appreciate how nice it looks. I have seen it being used often by soccer players, dog walkers, and people taking their lunch breaks. Thank you Moses Lake for adding Yonezawa Park to our town's list of beautiful recreational areas.
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
This Weekend in Moses Lake, Wa Friday August 27th      Movie in the park                    McCosh Park      Tonight's movie: Planet 51  at dusk Saturday August 28th  Lake Poker Run & Beach Party   Mardon Resort   A CWFAC Event Saturday August 28th  Moses Lake Farmer's Market     McCosh Park       7:30 - 1pm Saturday August 28th  Concert in the Park                  McCosh Park       8pm  Pure Prairie League                                                                                         A country rock band McCosh Park McCosh park is a great gathering place for community events. Located next to the water park, the Farmer's Market is held there Saturdays in the summer and free movies and concerts are...
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC has a new web site in development. As a business owner we have to make decisions daily and it can be hard to know if it is the correct one. I have a site with Pro-Sight Property Inspections  that is probably good, but I wanted to be able to do more with my site than I could with it. There are so many different ways to get a web site on the net, free web sites like the one I put together to "play" with, Eastern WA Home Inspections/Spokane to the option some of my friends have taken like Don Hester at North Central Washington Home Inspections, LLC .  Don has a great site but I know he has spent a lot of time and effort getting his site to where it is, not to mention the constant additions made to it. This would have been a good choice for me a few months a...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Moses Lake, Wa 1st Time Home Buyer Information, part 3 To review Parts 1 and 2 scroll down Excellent! You are almost ready to be a Moses Lake, Wa 1st Time Home buyer. If you already have good credit and you feel confident with what you can afford, you have two options you would be wise to choose from (and your Realtor should suggest). Either call someone like Carolyn Grant at the Prosperity Center, which is part of our local Work Source program; or find a mortgage broker or lender. Either party can look at your credit and officially let you know you are pre-approved for a certain amount. If you do not know someone, ask your Realtor for some referrals. For those of you who have been working on your credit and are now in a position to buy: Congratulations!!! You are to be commended for yo...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Turn Your Bathroom Doors Around Life is Precious. My husband's brother and wife stopped by the other day and stayed for about 45 minutes as they were passing through on their travels. I had not seen them for a year and a half. Since their son's funeral. Their son's funeral. My Nephew. Who was two weeks old when I married into the family. The first three years of his life I saw him almost every day.  He was 28 yrs young. He was married to the love of his life and they hated to be apart from one another, even after seven years of marriage, even for a minute. They were ready to start a family. He was one semester short of becoming a surveyor. He was a farmer. Besides his wife, parents, and many other relatives, he left behind an older sister and a younger brother leaving a large hole. It w...
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
Eastern WA Home Inspections is active in BNI (Business Network International), with meetings every week. Each Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM one of our inspectors, myself or Cody are at a meeting with other small business owners and professionals in Spokane. Our group called the Northside Networkers has breakfast together while we discuss our businesses and find ways to help each other through referrals. Yesterday Eastern WA Home Inspections gave a ten minute presentation on Home Inspection and what we can do for our clients. The presentation introduced the group to our family then proceeded to the business end and what we offer and why it is important to have an inspection. Many good points were made in the ten minute time frame but one really stuck out and I wish to share with a larger co...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Tough Enough To Wear Pink at the Moses Lake Round Up Last night was Tough enough to wear pink night at the Moses Lake Round Up. The first 500 attendee's received pink T's, I got one and most of us put them right on over our shirts. Tough enough to wear pink represents the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, and not only were all the cowboys and girls in pink checkered shirts, but most in the crowd were wearing pink also. A tribute was done by slowly releasing pink balloons one at a time from three large bunches. It was very touching and for those of us who have lost loved ones to breast cancer, it brought tears. There were other tributes including for the Sheriff Posse volunteers. A riderless horse with boots backwards in the stirrups was led around the arena in remembrance of a long-time...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Moses Lake, Wa July 2010 Market Report DOM = Days On Market  All Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Active Price Range                                      Quantity                              Average DOM $20,000 thru $29,999                          1                                                26 $50,000 thru $59,999                          1                                                28 $60,000 thru $69,999                          1                                                22 $80,000 thru $89,999                          2                                                31 $100,000 thru $119,999                     6                                                29 $120,000 thru $139,999                     7                                              ...
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By Dennis Chamberlain, Eastern WA Home Inspections
(Eastern WA Home Inspections, LLC)
Moisture conditions are reported on by Home and Structural Pest Inspectors. Moisture entry into a home may lead to wood destroying organisms entering in a home. Moisture is the largest culprit for attracting wood destroying organisms, or WDO's. Evidence of moisture past or present will be taken seriously by Eastern WA Home Inspection, LLC and should be investigated thoroughly.   Moisture can be found in many locations from the attic and crawlspace to bedrooms and bathrooms. Moisture conditions are the enemy of our homes. Some times evidence can be easily found as is the case with the photo to the left of a Moses Lake Home.   The photo shows the staining below a window. If moisture is allowed to continue in this area the sill will continue to deteriorate. Creating a a scenario where rot ...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
Seeing With New Eyes I did a final walk-through this afternoon with a young couple and their two young children. As we were getting ready to leave, the young mother looked and me and said, "Can't we just stay here now?".  The tone of her voice and the look on her face stopped me in my tracks. What a story they told! I could see the hope of all the dreams this home will bring on her face. I could hear the longing in her voice to begin making those dreams come true. Even though it is only a few more days until it is theirs, it still feels like the day will never come. And the fear that something is going to happen and the deal will fall through nibbles at both of them, especially the young dad. As a 50+ year old, it has been a long time since my kid's were little. These young parents remi...
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By Diane Huffman
(Moses Lake Realty Group)
    Another Beautiful August Day in Moses Lake, Wa      Have you ever had ice cold watermelon with yellow flesh?  OMGosh! It's so good! If you haven't, head west on 90 to Dodson. On Dodson turn left over the freeway and go a few miles to Tonnemaker's organic farm which will be on the right. Maxine will greet you with a huge smile and offer you samples of whatever is in season. Tell her Diane sent you! We bought a watermelon, a flat of peaches, a flat of apricots, some Pippin apples, yellow/green plums and some kind of bite size tomatoes. Everything was gooooood! We took our goodies and some bbq'd chicken to Potholes Park and had a picnic in the shade. The temperature in the shade was perfect and it was soooooo relaxing!!!                     I missed the Pie Lady (aka Pies by Ronna)at t...
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