
Longview, WA Real Estate News

By Ken's Home Team LLC. | 360.609.0226 | Portland, OR & Vancouver, WA Real Estate Team, - SOLD IS OUR FAVORITE 4 LETTER WORD -
(Ken's Home Team LLC.)
Searching for a home in Longview just got EASIER! Now you can go to one place for your home search, see all the homes that are for sale and you can break it down to what price home you are looking for. Let me help click on the link below and you will be able to do your own home search. p {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10px;margin:0;padding:0 30px;}New Page 1LONGVIEW HOME SEARCH  Thinking about purchasing a home? The first step is to see what's out there! With a few simple click you can get access to all the local homes for sale. This FREE home finder will help you in your next real estate purchase. Click below for more information.   CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ACCESSKeller Williams Realty | Ken Rosengren |  915 Broadway Street, Suite 100, Vancouver, WashingtonPhone: (360)...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Cowlitz County AARP Free Taxaide Program Once again tax season is here and as always AARP TAX-AID is here to help. The AARP Taxaide program is a group of volunteers focusing on helping senior citizens, low and middle income tax payers with their tax returns at no cost (free). The Cowlitz County AARP team of volunteers wants to spread the word out about this free service and let the Cowlitz County communities know that this year they will be in the four following locations; Longview Public Library, McClelland Art Center, Fibre Federal Credit Union and Monticello Jr. High School. This is a group of over 20 well trained and with lots of experience volunteers. Tax returns are e-file and refund can be back within 5 day if direct deposit is chosen. First days available to do your taxes will b...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Cowlitz warehouse and logistics training availableFree program for those who qualify includes job experience, certificationsLONGVIEW - Informational meetings for a new warehouse and logistics training program will take place Dec. 8 for eligible participants.The meetings are free and will take place at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Conference Room A in the Student Center at Lower Columbia College, 1600 Maple St., in Longview. For more information, contact Rosalind Mallett, with Longview Goodwill, at 360.425.6929.The Career Pipeline Project, a partnership of Tacoma Community College and Goodwill and funded through a federal grant, provides the opportunity to receive a Warehouse Clerk Certificate with knowledge of shipping/receiving, packing, assembly and safe-material handling; forklift operator ...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Downtown Longview Clean Up The Longview 1414 Club is looking to spruce up Downtown Longview for the up coming Spring. Starting Sunday March 22nd, the Club will be starting a series of clean up Sundays in the Longview Downtown area; they'll be working on flower beds and sidewalks. They want to get the word out and invite volunteers and anyone else interested on helping out and lend a hand. Bring your gloves, brooms and rakes. Come and join the group at 1414 12th Avenue Longview WA, at 9:00 am on Sundays. For questions about this contact them at 360 425 7260 ask for Dan. Venancio Gonzalez - GRI, e-PRO Realtor® with Windermere Real Estate Allen & Associates, serving Longview, Kelso and surrounding Cowlitz County real estate markets. or (360) 751 4001.
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
The 2009 Cowlitz County Home and Garden Show Once again the 2009 Cowlitz County Home and Garden Show is here. The Lower Columbia Contractors Association (LCCA) is inviting the public to join the fun Saturday March 21st from 9:00 - 6:00 pm and Sunday 22nd from 11-5 in the Cowlitz County Expo Center. The Cowlitz County Home & Garden Show will be hosting free gardening and many other workshops throughout the day and displaying what's new in Home, Remodeling, Home Decor, and More, all under one roof.  You will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of experts and experience hundreds of products and services. This family event is more than just learning about gardening, how to fix or dress up a home, you can also take advantage of discounts, gift cards and drawing that business give away. Kid...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
West Longview Christmas Lights Do to the bad weather conditions for the last week or so, we as a family have opted to mainly stay a home and out of the cold except for few times walking down the street for some down the hill sled action. Couple night ago, the kids and I decided to challenge bad road conditions and drive around our West Longview neighborhood and enjoy some great lighted homes with Christmas lights. It was a lot of snow on the streets but the drive wasn't bad, of course having a four wheel drive and being very careful helps a lot. Here are some of the photos we took, enjoy! Visit our West Longview real estate page for more information and links about the neighborhood. Venancio Gonzalez a GRI, e-PRO Realtor®, with Windermere Real Estate Allen & Associates serving the Cowli...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
A Visit To The Annual Cowlitz County Unique Tin Car Show and Swap Meet 2008    What a unique experience! I had not attended the car show in few years and was surprised of how much has change and grown. According to organizers this show attracts over 3,000 spectators each year and listening to the announcers over the microphone the attendance on Saturday was a record breaker.  This yearly event has marked the end of Cowlitz County Summer fun events for the last of 34 years.    The event opened the doors at 8:00 a.m. to hundreds of classic and custom-built cars, trucks and some motorcycles, swap meet, vendors and early eager spectators. Then was followed by exciting events throughout the day like some line dance performance, some contests with up to $300 prices, award and parade of winner...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
The Cowlitz County fair and rodeo 2008 is here, come and join the fun from Wednesday July 30th to Saturday August 2nd. Four days of pure fun and excitement awaiting kids, adults and everyone else in between willing to come and join the fun. The fair will begin with the kid's day parade on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. and will be open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with the usual variety of stands, games and rides for kids, teenagers and all daring parents. Then there is the variety of special schedule events like the Thunder Mountain Pro Rodeo, Demolition Derby, Cruise to the Fair-Open Car Show, Road Warrior paintball, Rodeo Queen Coronation and many, many more. To see all schedule events, the dates and times, visit the Cowlitz County website here.                  Venancio Gonzalez a G...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Longview Washington forth of July annual celebration The beginning of the annual go forth celebration at Lake Sacajawea starts today. Kid's carnival and concession stand will open today at 7:00 pm and will last till Friday around 10:00 pm. Visitors will enjoy live music, golf practice shooting range, variety of food (elephant ears are my favorite), wide variety of other items like T-shits, sunglasses, hand made jewelry, toys and there will also be pony rides and different games for kids. Friday the 4th will be full of enjoyable events starting with the go forth parade at 9:00 am. that will go from the corner of Broadway and 14th Ave. and end up at Lake Sacajawea, then the opening of the timber carnival competition will also start at 9:00 am and the finals will be at 1:00 pm., and finall...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Are you looking to buy a home in the Longview Washington real estate market? If you already live in Longview you know how great this community is or if you are trying to relocate to the area let me introduce you to this great community. With about 40,000 residents, Longview Washington is the biggest and fastest growing city in Cowlitz County. Longview is divided into the following twelve different neighborhoods Broadway, Highlands, St. Helens, Old Westside, Olympic, Columbia Heights, Hillside/Cascade Way, CVG/North Lake, Pacific Way, Beacon Hill, Robert Gray/Mint Valley and West County. In one of these neighborhoods I'm sure you will find a home that will meet you family needs; you will find a wide range of real estate from a small fixer-upper for under $100,000 to the newer close to $...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Early this month a child of one of our own in the real estate industry (9 year old Hannah, the daughter of Danni Wicken from Chicago Title) was diagnosed with leukemia. A devastating situation, our harts and prayers go out to her and her family. The incredible support and unity the whole Cowlitz County community has shown has been unbelievable; neighbors, class mates, co-workers, parents and teachers of her school and the real estate community (among others) have jumped on board to help with meals, toy, organized car washes, raffles and other fund raisers. Click here for more on her story.Since I know Danni through work and my 10 year old daughter (Leslie) attends the same school as Hannah, we decided to team up and volunteer on last Sunday's car wash organized by Dnni's co-workers and ...
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By Venancio Gonzalez, Longview WA Real Estate Broker - 360-751-4001
(Windermere Kelso/Longview)
Well, this last weekend, here in Cowlitz County we finally had nice weather, for the first time it felt like spring. It is a great feeling to go outside and see the sun shinning, all the colorful trees blooming and the beginning of all the sport activities baseball, softball and spring soccer. My wonderful wife (Martha) and I are the proud parents of three great children Alan, Leslie, and our baby Edgar; all three are in sports so we had a very busy day on Saturday, three games and opening ceremonies spread out through the day from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm. Our first event was Edgar's T-ball game. We had a great time watching him and his team mates play their first T-ball game, these kid are from 4 ½ to 6 years old (Edgar is 4 ½). As you can imagine it was a lot of excitement there, a lot o...
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By Shawn Martin
(Crosby Inspections)
I inspected a duplex up in Cowlitz County on Friday and the crawl space was infested with mold.  So I thought I would pass this along. 1.      Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. 2.      There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture. 3.      If mold is a problem in your home, you must clean up the mold and eliminate sources of moisture. 4.      Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth. 5.      Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60%) to decrease mold growth by: a.      venting bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generating sources to the outside; b.      using...
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