Stowe Vermont - After the Storm Photo
By Teresa DeLuca Merelman, ABR, CRS, SRS, e-PRO, SRES, GREEN, AHWD
(Pall Spera Company Realtors)
Stowe Vermont - After the Storm Photo The Stowe, VT area had some severe thunderstorms last Sunday night - July 29th, 2012. They hosted some strong winds, very dark and fast moving clouds, lighting hitting so close that you are scared to look to see if anything was hit, and thunder so loud you feel the house shake. Actually, I like thunderstorms - unless they are in the middle of the night. They usually mean the end of a heat wave. What I find so incredible though is "after" the thunderstorms. The clouds, the smells, the various shades of color in the sky after they pass through, and the variances in the light. After the storms, I went out and took some photos. It was beautiful out. Most of my photos look great in color, but there was one that was just asking to be black and wh...