The Halloween Jack O' Lantern Learn about it in Chester Vermont
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
The Halloween Jack O' Lantern Learn about it in Chester Vermont, have you gave any thought as to why we carve Jack O' Lanterns for Halloween? You sure can find out today on the Green in Chester Vermont. You'll be able to meet Michael Caduto at Misty Valley Books at 4:00 P.M. will tell us about it. Mr. Caduto will perform the old Irish folk tale, Mean John and the Jack O' Lantern. This Irish folk tale, is in the newly pubished August House Book of Scary Stories. There are three main characters in the story, theres Mean John, Saint Peter, and the Devil appear in places far afield. Heaven and Hades, a blacksmith's forge and a lonely nocturnal marsh. The Halloween Jack O' Lantern Learn about it in Chester Vermont, folks like's Caduto's storytelling for its expressive personalities, voices...