Summer of 2008 Storm Photographs of Lake Champlain in Charlotte Vermont
By Chris Hurd
(Burlington VT Real Estate)
What an amazing summer for storms! Sometimes 4 and 5 in a day. Some would come from across Lake Champlain from the west. Some from the south. Some from the northwest. The drama was spectacular as it unfolded from my porch beside Mount Philo State Park with its pastoral westerly views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains. Let's not forget the spectacular lightning display of a week ago. It even brought my teenage son with his three friends out from behind their video game, "Call of Duty", to witness the awesome power. How's that for jaded 16 year old boys?Record rainfall. Record lake levels. Thunderstorm watches and warnings it seemed everyday for a month. Our states' moniker, The Green Mountain State, earned its deserved reputation this summer. All the different greens remind...