Brattleboro Harris Hill 2012 Ski Jump Competition taking place in Brattleboro Vermont
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Harris Hill 2012 Ski Jump Competition Brattleboro Harris Hill 2012 Ski Jump Competition taking place in Brattleboro Vermont, folks sure will get to enjoy watching some mighty fine Ski Jumpers on Harris Hill in Bratteboro, Vermont. The first known ski jumper was Norwegian Olaf Rye, which jumped 9.5 meters back in 1809 before a group of other soldiers. Then by the year of 1862, ski jumpers were doing much larger jumps, and competing in Official Ski Jumping Contests. Ski jumping has been a part of the Olympic Winter Games since the very first games that took place in Chamonix, France which was originally called Semaine Intemationale des Sports d'Hiver, the competitions were held at the foot of Mont Blanc, between the 25th of January and the 5th of February 1924, it was organized by the Fre...