
Barre, VT Real Estate News

By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
Open houses still work!  I just had an open house in the Barre and Montpelier area (the second one), and had five interested parties.  One wrote up an offer right there at the house.  Granted, it was low, but high enough to get to the negotiating table.  Still in negotiation... The point is that you never know what's going to work, and you sometimes just have to try lots of ways to market a house. The other point is that despite what you hear about it being a buyer's market, homes that are priced right will move quickly.  Doesn't matter what price points you're talking about.  Doesn't even really matter the location.  If it's priced right, it'll move. It also helped that the place looked fantastic for the open house.  Thanks, Seller!
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
I have a wonderful coworker here in Montpelier, Vermont.  A fellow by the name of Charlie Clark.  He's helped me out a ton, and he's a great office resource.  I was unavailable for the one time a seller could meet, and Charlie met with him, got the listing, and despite my pleadings for him to take it, is sharing the listing with me. That's just giving props, and letting everyone know one of the reasons I like my agency so much. But let's talk about this listing. Not really.  Let's talk about listings in general. The house is solid, but needs some cosmetics.  Or...the boiler is new, but every single surface needs to be ripped out, painted, and updated.  Honesty, or HONESTY?  No one wants to offend the seller, but we want buyers to know what they're getting into.  I mean, what does it mea...
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
Guess the High Sale in Barre, Vermont My wife's parents are from Southern California, and in so many ways, it's a different world from ours here in Montpelier and Barre.  There's traffic, the ocean, gigantic malls, etc.  But, as a realtor working my tail off for buyers and sellers in Montpelier and Barre, the funniest difference is in the cost of houses. Two years ago the median home price in their county was $600,000.  Now, with the California Correction, it's down to $400,000.  How the heck does the "median" person buy a "median" priced home in that county? In Barre, there were two homes that sold this year (so far) at or above $200,000.  Both were listings from our office (don't mind tooting my own home now and then).  What does that mean?  It means that there are a lot of good value...
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
Movings and Shakings in Barre, VT Oh, things are happening in the Barre area.  First, Formula Ford in South Barre has merged with Walker Motors on the Barre Montpelier Road.  Looks like they're going to move operations to the old Walker Motors location, which is great for the area because tha roundabout has so much exposure! Second, TJ Maxx appears to be coming to the old Ames department store near Price Chopper.  Sounds like good news all around.  It'll take up the empty retail space, provide local jobs, and, let's face it, it'll give Walmart a little competition.
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
When I was in elementary school, the teachers always seemed to keep the big maps pulled down at the side of the chalkboard.  I stared at those maps more than I should have.  And let's not even get started on the maps in the social studies books.  Westward expansion?  Are you kidding me, I loved it! Yesterday I pulled out all the sales in Barre and mapped them all out.  I thought I might see some indicator as to which neighborhoods had the most sales.  And I did.  There are two or three areas that really had the most transactions.  Some neighborhoods didn't have any sales for the whole year. Why'd I do that?  Well, partly because I love maps.  But the main reason is that I wanted to know as much as possible about real estate in Barre, so I can talk intelligently to my buyers and sellers. 
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
Two days before the close, and after not the easiest escrow period, we get another roadblock.   The lender tells the buyer, "Oh, by the way, there's some peeling paint around the windowsill.  That'll need to be fixed before the close." Two days before the close?  Fortunately, our office is quick, and we had someone go out to take care of the paint to keep the deal on track.  But seriously?  Two days before the close? Lesson:  On the buyer's side, be in regular contact with the lender asking if things are on track, and if not, what needs to happen.  I suspect that had the buyer asked three weeks ago, we wouldn't have had this experience.  On the seller's side, be ready to be flexible, and make sure you're working with an agency who can handle roadblocks. The whole matter should be resolv...
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
The Perfect Time to Buy or Sell a House in Montpelier or Barre Is... There's no one perfect time to buy or sell a house in Montpelier or Barre.  Sorry to disappoint.  It only really matters when it's a good time for you and your family.  In the summer, there are lots more new listings than the fall or winter.  So...lots more competition.  In June, there may be 20 new listings in a day, and yours can get lost in the shuffle.  On the other hand, there are more buyers looking as well.  Yin and Yang.  Postive and Negative. In November, fondly referred to as "Stick Season", there are not as many new listings in Montpelier and Barre, but those that do list may be more motivated (though not always, certainly).  Not only are there fewer new listings, but homes that didn't sell in the summer or ...
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By Ray Mikus, Green Means Go!
(Green Light Real Estate)
Once the offer has been made and accepted, and the house is under contract, the usual next step is to have a qualified home inspector take a look at the property. Why?  What is he or she looking for?  What does the buyer DO with that information? Inspectors--and I'm not an inspector,I've just been through a bazillion inspections--give their expert opinions on the various systems and components of the house.  These include: Electric Roof Exterior Plumbing Foundation The idea is that having an inspection helps remove some of the surprises of owning a house. Remember this:  In the Barre and Montpelier area, most sellers fill out the Sellers' Disclosure (Seller's Property Information Report).  That gives the buyer a good idea of what to expect.  If the seller says the roof is 25 years old, ...
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