
Williamsburg, VA Real Estate News

By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Top 10 HOME SAFETY TIPS You can never have too many home safety tips.  So, here's a really cool tool!  You can take a safety tour through a virtual home.   On the tour, you'll go to each room and learn about leading home dangers and how to keep your family safe. features state-of-the-art digital motion graphics animation, bringing home safety to life. I've listed the TOP 10 Home Safety Tips: 1. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area. Test them monthly. If your smoke alarms are 10 years old or more, replace them. If you build or remodel your home, install fire sprinklers. 2. Develop a fire escape plan for your family: Point out two exits from each room, pick a meeting spot outside, and hold a fire drill at least twice a year. 3...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  WILLIAMSBURG - EXTRAORDINARY EXCELLENCE! The City of Williamsburg's Public Works and Utilities Shop Complex has received a prestigious award from Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality. The Complex has been designated an "Extraordinary Environmental Enterprise" under the Virginia Environment Excellence Program.  The designation, which has been given out just six times in the state since the program was established in 2005, is reserved for facilities with a fully implemented environmental management system (verified independently) and committed measures for continuous and sustainable environmental progress and community involvement. The City's Public Works Department is the only public works department in the state to be recognized with such a designation. The other Extraordina...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Homeownership Workshop in YORK COUNTY The York County Division of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization is offering  a Virginia Housing Development Authority Homeownership Education  Workshop on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 from 9a.m. to 4p.m. in the Community Services Conference Room located at 224 Ballard Street. The workshop will cover Personal Finances, Credit Reports & Credit Issues, the role of Lenders, your relationship with your Real Estate Agent, the Fair Housing Act of Virginia, Home Inspections, Loan Closing and Home Inspections. To register for this workshop or for more information, call 757-890-3885 This is certain to be an extremely informative event.  Make certain to check it out! Courtesy of Yvette Smith, SRES® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL ESTATE757-753-7472YvetteSmith@AtHomeI...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Life DOES Get BETTER After 50! Here's were getting older is GREAT!  Why?  Discounts, of course!  Starting at around age 50, there's an abundance of bargains from entertainment to travel; and from eductation to health care.  Most everyone is watching their wallets these days, retired or not. AARP offers consistent savings.  It has a sliding scale on membership fees, depending on how many years you choose. For example, it's currently $12.50 for a year, $39.95 for five years.  Membership is available to those 50 years and older. AARP also has discounts for health care and insurance in addition to entertainment and travel.  Savings upto 25% on rental cars, 10% off at Borders book stores, and from 3 to 8 dollars on admission to Busch Gardens (days vary).  These discounts cannot be used in ...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  How NOT To Burn The House Down.. from the Inside! Wood Burning Safety Indoors Part 2 Welcome back!  Now, once your sure that your heating unit is in perfect working order and clean for the upcoming season, there are other safety precautions to take around the stove or fireplace itself. First of all, watch what you burn. Use only seasoned wood and kindling. Never use flammable liquid to start your fires, such as gasoline, lighter fluid or kerosene. Though it may be tempting, never burn wood that has been treated, plastics or other garbage. Not only can they emit poisonous fumes into your home and into the air outside, but they can cause corrosion in the heater, vent and chimneys. Watching what you burn can extend the life of all parts of your wood-burning system. Make sure there is an ...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  It was a beautiful day today in WILLIAMSBURG VIRIGNIA.  I took my boys to Colonial Williamsburg for a little play & frolic.  It was 75 degrees with warm winds blowing.  Lots of people had the same enjoy one of Williamsburg's greatest pleasures!!!                                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy of Yvette Smith, SRES® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL  
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  How NOT To Burn The House Down..From the Outside!Wood Burning Safety Outdoors Part 1 Keep the home fires burning without setting the house on fire. When cold weather hits, it’s time to budget for higher electric or gas heating bills. Others will lay in a supply of coal. But many people will be using the cord of wood they bought last summer to heat their homes, either with a woodstove or fireplace or other wood-burning heating device. If you’re using a wood-burning device, there are steps you can take to ensure that your wood fires will be safe ones even if you’ve already begun using your wood burner for the season. Up to Code?The first step is to make sure that your wood burner has been installed properly in the first place. Most places have strict codes regarding the installation of ...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Leaf Collection in the CITY OF WILLIAMSBURG I live in the City of Williamsburg.  Is there anyone who can help me with collecting my bagged leaves?  How much will it cost me? Sure thing and at no cost to you!  The City of Williamsburg has begun its 2008 leaf collection.  They offer collection for both piled and bagged leaves.  There are four collections for each route from November through December to pick up unbagged leaves. Each street on each route will be collected only once during the week. The City is divided into two collection routes, Red and Blue. The Red Route includes Skipwith Farms, Piney Creek, Longhill Woods, Savannah Green, Wales, Ironbound Road, Richmond Road, Matoaka Court, College Terrace, W. Williamsburg Heights, Lafayette Street, Crispus Attucks, Highland Park, Scot...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Leaf Collection in WILLIAMSBURG - York County     I live in the York County part of WILLIAMSBURG.  Can someone collect my leaves?  What will it cost me? Yes and No!  Beginning the week of Nov. 3 through the week of Jan. 26 York County residents can place an unlimited number of clear bags of leaves at the front roadside for collection every other week at NO ADDITIONAL COST to residents. For leaf collection purposes, the county has been divided into two zones: the Northern Zone includes all homes on and north of Dare Road, including neighborhoods along Wolf Trap Road, Goodwin Neck Road, and homes in and near Marlbank, Edgehill, Queens Lake, Skimino, and Nelson Park. Collection weeks for the Northern Zone will be Nov. 24, Dec. 8, Dec. 22, Jan. 5 and Jan. 19. The Southern Zone includes al...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  VETERAN'S DAY in WILLIAMSBURG Colonial Williamsburg is honoring the sacrifices of military families with complimentary admission passes to active duty military, reservists, retirees, veterans and their families from Nov. 7-11, 2008. The Honoring Service to America pass includes admission to Colonial Williamsburg’s Historic Area and museums, including the Capitol, Governor’s Palace and Basssett Hall, the Williamsburg home of Foundation benefactor John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his wife, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.  The pass also includes an Orientation Walk, a walking tour that provides an overview of Colonial Williamsburg and its Restoration, free shuttle bus service to and from the Visitor Center, a viewing of the movie, “Williamsburg, The Story of a Patriot,” and free parking at the Visi...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK @ FORT EUSTIS Army educators join those from around the country in celebrating American Education Week. From Nov. 16 to 22, the Army will refocus on strengthening its resolve to educate America’s Soldier students to meet the challenges of leadership today and tomorrow. This year’s theme is “Army Education: Strong Soldiers, Families and Communities,” which underscores the philosophy that started AEW. The Fort Eustis Bateman Army Education Center hosts its annual Education Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 19 at Bldg. 1500, Madison Avenue. Colleges and universities both local and distant will be represented to enable personal interaction with students. Featured presentations include: Green to Gold Program, 10 a.m.; Troops to Teachers Program, 11 a.m.; and the new 9...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Be a Santa to a SENIOR in WILLIAMSBURG with Meals on Wheels Here's your chance to be and angel this holiday season.  In Williamsburg, Meals on Wheels and other local groups for the aging have partnered with Home Instead Senior Care to sponsor Santa for a Senior, a holiday gift-giving program. All you have to do is pick a senior's name from a Santa for a Senior Christmas Tree at theWalmart on Mooretown Road. Suggestions for items most needed and appreciated are included. Gifts should be deposited, unwrapped, into a box at the store's customer service desk. Meals on Wheels will then deliver the wrapped gifts to the recipients, along with a hot meal.  Happy holidays!  Courtesy of Yvette Smith, Senior Real Estate Specialist® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL ESTATE757-753-7472YvetteSmith@AtHomeIn...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  FREE Health Fair for SENIORS on  Friday in WILLIAMSBURG   On Friday, Nov. 7 from 8:30 a.m. until noon the Historic Triangle Senior Center and other local organizations will host the Annual Senior Health Fair at the Williamsburg-James City County Recreation Center. The Senior Health Fair this year will feature a variety of services for local seniors including vision, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, as well as free flu, pneumonia and tetanus vaccines. A wealth of health and safety information will be available, ranging from topics like massage therapy, adult day care and nutrition, to home health care and social services programs.  Seniors will also be able to enjoy an “Ask the Doctor” session, free computer access, therapy dogs to pet and play with, and a demonstration by th...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Military Children & Education in Virginia   Military children often face being the new kids every year when mom and dad get orders for a new installation. Trying to figure out which school they should go to and where they stand academically can be hard to do on your own. The good news is there are school liaison officers who work for the military and help parents and children have the smoothest transition into a new school as soon as possible. There are a number of school issues about which every parent should be knowledgeable. Some are a result of the federal No Child Left Behind Act; others are Virginia education requirements; some are unique to the school district; and some are specific to your child’s school. Fortunately, a lot of this information can easily be found at the Hampto...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  The Fort Eustis Spouses's Club Fort Eustis, Virginia Having to adapt to military life is no easy task for a military spouse. Frequent transitions make it very difficult for military spouses to establish friendships and feel connected in a new community. The Spouse’s Club of Fort Eustis helps to overcome those challenges as it brings together military spouses for strength, support and friendship. It is a social group for military spouses to bond, be involved and share and gain knowledge from other military spouses. Whether it’s the monthly-themed luncheons or annual fundraiser galas, the SCFE provides the opportunity to socialize, congregate, have fun and be part of the community in an impactful way.The Fort Eustis Spouse’s Club has been in existence for many decades, making it a tradi...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  Choosing a Power of Attorney is a Critical Estate Decision Who would you want handling your financial affairs if you are ever incapacitated?  Who would you want making medical decisions for you if you were unable to do so?  These are two questions CNN Money Magazine suggests asking yourself when planning a living will. A living will is one form of an advanced directive that allows an individual to make his or her wishes known to potential caregivers in the event of becoming debilitated. Designating a power of attorney provides an individual with a back-up plan if they are ever unable to make decisions for themselves.  This person can negotiate, enter into contracts, and settle matters for the person who has designated them. While planning a living will it is important to designate bot...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
      Question of the Week from Lytle Title in WILLIAMSBURG VA Question: I've got a closing with an unreleased deed of trust, but the settlement agent who closed the deal is out of business and gone.  What do I do? Answer: Unfortunately we are seeing more and more of this as a result of the economy generally and the real estate market specifically.  If the problem is an unreleased deed of trust then sellers search their records carefully to see if they can locate anything from the closing-a payoff statement, HUD-1, etc.  We can usually track down the lender, verify payment, and get the releaase directly.   If the problem is something else - proof of death in the chain of title, an affidavit, or something to that effect - then we can usually solve those problems as well, it just takes us...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  13th Annual SENIOR HEALTH FAIR at the Historic Triangle Senior Center in James City/WILLIAMSBURG Community Center on November 7, 2008 8:30 a.m. until Noon Preventative Health Screenings:         Vision, Cholesterol, Bood Pressure, Posture Vaccines:         Flu, Tetanus, Pneumonia Health & Wellness Information:         Alzheimer's         Living Arrangements         Disaster Preparedness         Nutrition         Social Services         Safetly         Home Health         Medical Equipment         Library Services         Pet Therapy         Massage Therapy         Social and Recreational CALL 757-259-4181 for more information. Courtesy of Yvette Smith, Senior Real Estate Specialist® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL ESTATE757-753-74725350 Discovery Park BlvdWilliasmburg VA  23188YvetteSmith@A...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
    HELLO KIDDIES!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all WILLIAMSBURG VA I hope to see you all out and about town in your SCARIEST Costumes!! REMEMBER:  Trick or Treat hours are from 6 to 8 p.m. If you have photos that you would like to share, please email them to me and I will post them on my blog to share with everyone. Stay safe and have fun!  I'll have my camera ready! You can email your photos to   Yvette Smith, SRES® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL ESTATE757-753-75472  
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  WHY is 2009 a GREAT Time To Be A SENIOR? 2009 is a GREAT time to be a SENIOR because Social Security benefits will increase 5.8%!!  Courtesy of Uncle Sam, in January over 50 million Americans receiving Social Security benefits will benefit from this 5.8% raise, which is the largest since 1982.  So, way overdue!  Medicare also announced that for the first time in eight years, your Part B monthly premium (which covers doctors & outpatient services) will NOT GO UP next year.   Every year since 1975, Social Security has given automatic cost-of-living adjustments to keep up with inflation. For 2009 the adjustment is a 5.8% increase.  This means that the "average" monthly Social Security check for an individual will go from $1,090 to $1,153 - an increase of about $63. The average retired co...
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