
Charlottesville, VA Real Estate News

By Dave Shockley, Putting my clients needs first Roy Wheeler Realty
(Independent Contractor)
In this report for Charlottesville, Virginia & Albemarle County real estate I increased the range just a little.  The selection here is GREAT for anyone looking for a home in this range.Listing Price          # of Listings$200,000 - $250,000       173As I mentioned in the last report.  The inventory is great here.  Almost 8% of these homes are new construction.I realize that there is more to consider than the price range.  You may have some very specific needs.  The number of bedrooms, master on the first floor, garage and close to town.  Using this criteria we could narrow the search down to around 15 homes that you could consider.If you have other specifics that you would like researched visit our web site at and run the search yourself.
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By Prue Shockley, Charlottesville Virginia Real Estate
(Real Estate III)
As Realtors we sell homes for clients all the time but it wasn't until we had our own home on the market that I realized everything that was invloved.  This is a series to help sellers sell their homes quickly, profitably and with-out too much STRESS!  Part One.. Should I sell my House? The question of selling your home is always a tough one. Believeme , it is not fun!  However,i t may be that you have no choice but to sell such as being transferred to a new job area, needing more space for a growing or changing family situation, needing a change of climate, making a good investment decision, or it may be you just want to sell because you are tired of the house you are in or area in which you live.  No matter the reason make no mistake, selling is not an easy thing to do and is not a de...
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By Dave Shockley, Putting my clients needs first Roy Wheeler Realty
(Independent Contractor)
A few years ago this would have been a dream for home buyers in Charlottesville or Albemarle County.  If there was a property under $200,000 it would only be on the market for a few days.If you are in the market for a home in the Charlottesville, Virginia Area, and looking for a home in the $150,000 to $200,000 range you may be interested in the figures below.Below are the statistics for the Charlottesville, Virginia Real Estate Market.  The information for this report was compiled from information gathered at 11:45am today October 25, 2007.The breakdown is as follows.Listing Price Rante     # of Listings$150,000 - $159,999               19$160,000 - $169,999               23$170,000 - $179,999               27$180,000 - $189,999               33$190,000 - $199,999               25$200,...
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By Dave Shockley, Putting my clients needs first Roy Wheeler Realty
(Independent Contractor)
I usually do not cut and paste information for my Blog.  However, this came out recently from the CEO of our association.  I called and ask permission to use this just as it is.  There is also a link to the news story that was aired recently on one of our local news channel.  I feel this puts a better light on our local market.There are probably other stories outside of the Charlottesville, Virginia area that maybe you would like to share.Five Reasons to Be a First Time BuyerBy Dave Phillips - CEO - Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors®If you are currently renting a home or an apartment, this is an extraordinary time to buy a home.  Here are the top five reasons (not necessarily in order) to buy instead of renting.Link to video of this story: 5 Reasons for First Time Buyers 1.  ...
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSIONCROZET DOWNTOWN ZONINGOCTOBER 30, 2007 -- 4:00 p.m.On Tuesday Oct 30, 2007 our planning commission will hold a workshop to discuss the Downtown Zoning Project in Crozet. The zoning regulations are to be established for the district. Topics will include: building setbacksbuilding heightland usesrequirement for mixed useparking requirementssidewalkslandscapingbuffer/screening requirementsCrozet is under development and if you are considering the area or live in the area learn more and get involved.While in the area, give me a call to discuss Real Estate options available to you.Best regards, Charles McDonald
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By Valorie L. Easter, Valorie Easter & Co, Charlottesville/Albemarle Rea
(eXp Realty)
Oh Jimmy Buffet...  What a wise man.  :)  His lyrics below hit very close to home with my husband and I finally deciding to pick up and move to Virginia from Florida.  With the move, I have started contemplating career choices, and his lyrics begin to sum it up...  I took off for a weekend last month Just to try and recall the whole year All of the faces and all of the places  Wonderin' where they all disappeared I didn't ponder the question too long I was hungry and went out for a biteRan into a chum with a bottle of rum and we wound up drinkin' all night     It's these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes     Nothing remains quite the same     With all of our running and all of our cunning      if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane**A few weeks ago I was talking to an old ...
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By Prue Shockley, Charlottesville Virginia Real Estate
(Real Estate III)
HiThe 3rd quarter market report came out to-daylooking at sales of homes in the area.  The report was written by Dave Phillips, CEO of Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors.   I'd like to share someof his comments with you.  In his overview of the 3rd quarter he states, "The current real estate market is muchmore complex and variable than in past years. The definingmeasure of this market is not the slower pace of sales: rather the most dominating factor is the record level of homes for sale.  As of early October, we have almost 3,500 homes listed for sale in the CAAR MLS system- 3 times the inventory of 3 years ago."   He also notes, "High inventory levels have kept the prices low, Days on market high, and sellers reaching fort he Maalox."We are currently selling our home in Wint...
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By Valorie L. Easter, Valorie Easter & Co, Charlottesville/Albemarle Rea
(eXp Realty)
Well, for everyone that read my first post...Pregnant...Unemployed...Uninsured HELP!...and left GREAT comments.  I have an UPDATE!  Thank you for everyone's suggestions and words of encouragement.  TRUST me!  I needed it! (and still do)  I have been napping a LOT per Sarah Cooper's advice.  Morning sickness hasn't been bad at all (knock on wood).  I wish someone would have told me to hide all of those baby books until my second trimester though!  My morning sickness has definitely been psychological. YIKES!  :)  On the good news front, my husband just accepted a great job and insurance starts at day one and his first day is this coming Monday.  Whew...that was close.  I am almost finished tying up all of my loose ends in Jacksonville so I can get started here in Charlottesville.  Right ...
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
On October 16th the Planning Commision in Albemarle County will meet.The Discussion will be the "Village of Rivanna Master Plan". Location: The auditorium of the County Office Building on McIntire Road.Meeting starts at 6pmNOTE: It is important for the residents of Charlottesville to take an active role in our Government. Please spend a little time to learn about our area. 
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By Becky Reid
(Canopy Insurance, LLC)
Due to budget cuts, there is an immediate need for volunteers to assist with the driving simulator portion of the driver's education classes in the Albemarle County School system.  Initially, the organizers put out a plea to insurance agents, and a few of us have agreed to assist, but it would be nice to have a few more folks who could be called upon to cover all the dates and locations.  If you'd like to speak with the organizer, contact me and I'll put you in touch with her... we sure would appreciate it!
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
Albemarle Market statistics for September 2007. We are seeing a slow down and the Number of Homes sold this moth is : 84The Average Selling Price is $395,286 and the Median Selling Price is $325,000Average Days on the Market this month is 90and as of 10/8/2007 at 3pm we have 993 active listing.Call me for any details!    
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
Our next school board meeting will be at the Lane Auditorium of the County Office Building on McIntire Road!Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 starting at 6:30 pm. Here is a link to our schools website: Albemarle County Public SchoolsI feel it is important to be involved in the education of our children. Please consider attending our school board meetings.Best Regards, Charles
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
Albemarle County, VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation), the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, citizens have all gotten together. they formed a vision for the Growth area north of Charlottesville (route 29). Here is what they hope will happen:Encourage new developments to:Have Vibrant, mixed use centers including a choice of housing typesPed-Friendly neighborhoods with walking trails and biking trailsHave the communities linked to transit optionsPreserve the exisiting neighborhoodsOn Tuesday, Oct 23 at 6pm at the County office building, the Albemarle Planning Commission will take Public Comments..... My guess is there will be a lot of "Public Comments"
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
 Just the facts about the city of Charlottesville! The City of Charlottesville is located in the Surrounding County of Albemarle in wonderful Virgina.Out city has a Population of  39,800The Median Household Income is  $31,768Total Land Area: 10.3 square milesTax Rates: Real estate 95 cents per $100 assessed valuation; personal property $4.20 per $100 assessed valuation.Elementary Schools: 5Upper Elementary Schools: 1Middle Schools: 1High Schools: 1Technical Education Center: you want more details visit: regard, Charles McDonald
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By Rick Sergison, Durham Region Real Estate Blog
(EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage)
A-mail is Albemarle County's electronic news service that will notify you via e-mail about services, programs and events that are important to you. Recieve up-to-the-minute updates on a variety of topics:Land Use and Development Rural Areas  Board of Supervisors Pantops Master Plan Places 29 Master Plan Crozet Master Plan Village of RivannaVisit the website and sign up! signed up and as a resident of Albemarle County you should too!Regards, Charles McDonald  
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By Tara Savage
(RE/MAX Assured Properties)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007Currently the market is slower here than it usually is.  Our inventory is higher than it has been in quite a while, and we've returned to a more "normal" market.  We're just not used to things being slower than it has been in the last 5 years, so to most realtors, it seems painfully slow.  However, when I got into real estate 10 years ago, it was a normal market, and nobody really complained about...thats just the way it was.  While it is true that we have more homes for sale now than we did back then, you have to remember that there are thousands more homes existing as there were ten years ago, so it would make sense that there are more homes for sale.  Last week I watched that strange fellow, Kramer, on the Today show telling people that they were crazy if th...
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By Valorie L. Easter, Valorie Easter & Co, Charlottesville/Albemarle Rea
(eXp Realty)
Bentley is my baby!  (he's going to be SO jealous of the baby that's on the way though!)  I have had him for 5 years and he has helped me through SO much!  I got Bentley after a terrible car accident in March of 2002.  I fell asleep at the wheel and was ejected 227 feet in FRONT of where the vehicle stopped.  I was pronounced dead and two police officers were sent to my parent's house to inform them of my death...BUT I wasn't dead!  Just not my time yet.  The EMT removed an obstruction from my wind pipe and I came back! (and no I don't remember ANYthing)  I broke my back (shattered T6), fractured my skull, broke 7 ribs, bruised my spleen, broke my jaw in 2 places, shattered my orbital, punctured and collapsed my left lung...  It was TERRIBLE!  I had to RE-learn to read, write, walk and ...
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By Valorie L. Easter, Valorie Easter & Co, Charlottesville/Albemarle Rea
(eXp Realty)
Good Day Everyone!  Well, it's that time of year again.  Apple Butter, Clogging, Bluegrass Music, Hayrides, Pumpkins...  MY FAVORITE!  What a great time to spend with your significant other or family!  I have compiled a list of the latest and greatest apple festivals going on in and around the Commonwealth.                                                  Flippin-Seaman Orchard (yes...that's the name) has always been a favorite of mine as I have frequented there the past couple of years.  The drive is so beautiful...especially when the leaves are chaning!  This year I wont be able to make it because I will be attending the Belmont Boil at my mother's coffeehouse on Saturday.  Maybe next year!  Below is a list of festivals and you should make at LEAST one!  Hope to see you there!     Oct...
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By Judy Savage
(REMAX Assured Properties)
One of the other big topics at the VAR convention is the Quality Service Certification.  This was also a top at the Mid Year Education and Legislative meeting last February.  After that I signed myself and all of my team members up to take the course when it was offered at VAR last spring.  So, all of the Savage Team, myself, Tara and Heather Savage, Lee Ann Cope and Lucy Watkins all have the QSC designation.  Quality service isn't something we have just started it has been part of our business from the beginning.  But, in this Internet world how is one to determine who is a good conscientious Realtor and who is not? We decided as a team that we had nothing to fear having our clients "rate" us.  We have  for a long time sent surveys to past clients and asked for their feedback on their ...
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By Judy Savage
(REMAX Assured Properties)
I am here at the VAR Convention in Williamsburg, Virginia where blogging is all the rage.  I sat is a meeting the other day where several experienced bloggers tried to bring the rest of us into the 21st century.  I'm 57 but the guy next to me must have been 70 and he hardly knew what a computer was and this was all new stuff to him.  He just didn't see the point.  I must admit I haven't been able where some folks find the time to read all this information and then to write comments and their own in depth analysis of what's happening in the real estate world.  I have a daughter who is 24 and works as an advertising manager for an Internet based company and she spends her days reading blogs about advertising and then comprises a newsletter monthly for their clients based upon what she rea...
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