Real Estate Investor Groups
By Rick Irving, Rick Irving Knows Real Estate
(My Texas Home Real Estate)
In my 24 plus years as a Real Estate Broker I have worked with a lot of investors. About 10 years ago I started attending a Real Estate Investor group in Dallas. There are now several groups in Dallas and a few groups in Fort Worth. I have become an active participant in a group that meets every Saturday morning. The other group was known by most people as "Newbies at Lubys" which met from about 11:30 AM until about 1:15 or 1:30 PM. This group was meeting at the Luby's Cafeteria located at 251 University Drive, Fort Worth, Tx 76107. Luby's closed several weeks ago. Now the group is meeting at the "Swanky Shack". The Swanky Shack is located at 2813 Race Street, Fort Worth, Tx 76111. The group was started by B.D. Adkins. B.D. is a great leader, a great mentor and is very knowledgeable i...