Sierra Vista Homes in Ft Worth by History Maker, under $135KLocation: Sierra VistaYou just can't beat what you get for the price offer in Sierra Vista. This is amazing for a 3/2/2. You can always count on the History Maker Homes Fan Club to bring you best buys in Fort Worth Real Estate - in this is one of them. Get a $500 VISA Gift Card at closing when you choose my real estate team to represent you on this purchase. Better call 1-800-975-4710 x 454 before you miss the boat on this ONCE in a lifetime SIERRA VISTA SPEC-tacular Savings Event!InformationContact Information John Pohlyeditor@searchMLS.TV940-293-7845Contact Reply FormForward to a FriendView Other FlyersPricingAsking Price: $131,645.00Flexibility: FirmAdditional Pricing Information: History Maker Homes is offering a great deal...