Homestead Ft. Worth Real Estate Builders spec-tacular!Location: History Maker HomesteadRemember to ask me about the virtual tour on this Fort Worth New Homes Best Buy! Please give me Flyer ID for this Homestead inventory home when you call or email me. It is not very often that you can find nearly 2,500 sq.ft. in Ft. Worth for under $150K. The best part about this one is the convenient location to major employment centers in Fort Worth. Gas prices are going up so why not live close to Loop 820? Homestead is the neighborhood for you!InformationContact Information John Pohlyeditor@searchMLS.TV972-704-2149Contact Reply FormForward to a FriendView Other FlyersPricingAsking Price: $149,590Flexibility: FirmAdditional Pricing Information: If you visit the model homes, please ask for Mary Ellen...