
Dripping Springs, TX Real Estate News

By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
How do you get paid for sending your kids to college?  Become a real estate investor!  As a parent if you purchase a property for your child to live in while they attend collegeand rent out the additional rooms. You may qualifyy as a real estate investor.  Thus qualifying you for up to $25,000/yr in income tax deductions and any appreciation that the property experiences. If your kids are attending college in a state other than your state of residence, this may also qualify them for residence status and in state college tuition rates. With all of these benefits why wouldn't you at least consider becoming a real estate investor? To qualify for the tax deduction as a real estate investor you would need to be actively engaged in the decision making processes involving the income property s...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
I had a client ask me yesterday, "What's the market going to look like in the spring?"  I don't have a crystal ball, but here's one man's opinion. I Live and work in a small town just outside of Austin Texas called Dripping Springs. Our housing market hasn't been affected as harshly as some parts of the country but things have slowed down and prices have stagnated.  As real estate is a highly regional market I feel like I need to offer this disclaimer. Now for my forecast, I strongly believe that we will get an extension of the 1st time homebuyer's tax credit. This past week Senator Harry Reid got behind a bill that would extend the credit for 6 months in its current form.  This would take us through the historically slow winter months and expire in the heart of the summer buying season...
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
The median single family home price in Dripping Springs this week is $417,000.  The 184 homes have been on the market for an average of 139 days. Are you or someone you know thinking about moving to Dripping Springs Texas??? Jeremy K. Frost and the Steele Action Team have over 30+ years experience helping buyers and sellers in Dripping Springs Texas! Recognized by the Austin Business Journal and Dripping Springs Outlook as the Dripping Spring Texas area  #1  Real Estate Team. Check out some of these great Dripping Springs communities: For this blog and many more click here: Dripping Springs, Tx Real Estate Market Update
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
The Move-up Program is a guaranteed savings in real estate commissions when you list your current residence and purchase a new home with Jeremy K. Frost representing you as your REALTOR.  Jeremy's Move-up Program is designed to ensure a smoother transaction with less cost to you, on both the buying and selling sides of the transactions. In actuality, a rebate is performed at the time of the closing/funding on both your old and new homes. This offer could be received in the form of non-taxable closing costs or any other method acceptable and within the guidelines of the Texas Real Estate Commission. When buying and selling a home, it can be one of the most trying experiences. With Jeremy K. Frost's Move-up Program, this will ease some of the hassle plus you will still receive the same pr...
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
Hello readers, The 4th Hill Country Trail Ride is taking place this weekend, Saturday October 3rd. This great benefit is organized by the Cowboy Church of the Hill Country and helps out needy families in the Hill Country area. If you would like to sponsor a rider in this event or make any size donation, that would be great!   I will be collecting donations until Friday October 1st. Please let me know if you are interested in having a helping hand for this great cause. 512-636-2746 or Thanks! ~  Jeremy K. Frost REALTOR & Real Estate Blogster For this blog and many more just click here: 4th Annual Hill Country Trail Ride
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
If your shopping for a home in the Rooster Springs Elementary School zone this home is a must see!  We will have this home open this Sunday, 9/27, from 1-4.  This gem is located in the desirable Highpointe subdivision and did I already say it feeds into the exemplary Rooster Springs Elementary of the acclaimed Dripping Springs Independent School District.  It is a beautiful like-new single story home.  Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and a 3-car garage. 3 living areas include dramatic great room w/ fireplace, den/play area, and separate office. The kitchen is open to the great room & features granite counter tops, stainless appliances, & handy planning desk area. There is extensive tile throughout.  Hand scraped hardwood floors accent the dining area giving it a warm and inviting feel. ...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
Come be an athletic supporter!  That made you look.  Come out and show your support for Dripping Springs Youth Sports Association (DSYSA).  Spend an evening under the stars at Dripping Springs Founders park, meet your neighbors listen to some live music and have some BBQ.  There will be activities for all young and old.  We hope to see you there.  Go Tigers!!  Saturday Oct. 3rd 6-10pm at Founders Park Founder's Under the Stars A fundraising event hosted by DSYSA Football & Cheer Music by Chad Hudson & Michael Myers Please come out and enjoy a BBQ dinner hosted by Donn's Texas BBQ, an ice cold beer in our Beer Garden hosted by The Stadium, and sweet concessions hosted by our very own DSYSA volunteers! Activities will include an amazing rock wall, dunk your coach in our dunk tank, HUGE ob...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
Go Tigers!  The 2009 public school rankings put out by a children's advocacy group, Children at Risk, ranked Dripping Springs High School number 5 out of 47 pubic high schools in the greater Austin area.  The advocacy group used factors such as national and state test scores, class size, graduation rates and levels of poverty to rank their school.   Read the whole story    this blog brought to you by: Mark and France Clausen, REALTORS®Trident Realty Group ~ Stanberry & Associates 512-853-0846  
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
It's that time of year again readers...time to give! Then a gain it's always a good time to give.  Keller Williams Realty has been one of the top contributors to the Austin Area Food Bank for many years, and we are out to do it again this year! This great event takes place October 24th 2009! The food drive pick up is from 9 am to 1 pm at Riverbend Church. Be on the look-out for the donation bags in your area. Most neighborhoods are issued the bags by volunteer Realtors. The bags are handed out just a few day prior to October 24th and will be picked up at the that Saturday morning in front of your is just that EASY! For additional in formation on the donating or volunteering please contact Jeremy. K Frost ~  REALTOR or 512-636-2746 For this blog & many...
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
 Dripping Springs #1 Listing Group does it again! This beautiful property was recently sold in Highpointe of Dripping Springs for over 99% of list price. For more information on the amazing neighborhood  Highpointe of Dripping Springs please visit :  Do you have property to sell in Dripping Springs? Contact the best!      Jeremy K. Frost   512-636-2746 For this blog and many more just click here : Highpointe Of Dripping Springs - JUST SOLD
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
Attention all parents, invest in your children's future, take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit and gain a tax deduction.  Co-ownership between parents and children, where the non-occupying relative (parent) owns at a minimum 10% of the property and rents their portion of the property to the occupying relative (child), may entitle them to active investor status.  As an active real estate investor you are allowed to deduct up to $25,000 for depreciation, negative cash flow, maintenance, repairs, mortgage interest, taxes and trips to the property.  As a first time home buyer, your child could quality for the $8,000 tax credit.   For example, if you are in the 28% tax bracket and you qualified for the entire $25,000 tax deduction you could save 28% of $25,000 or $7,000 in federal tax savi...
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
Okay Readers it's pop quiz time!!! Wait don't leave...this is a GOOD quiz,  and I am sure you are going to ace it! Quiz: Have you changed your air filter(s) in the last 3 months? Have you removed leaves, dirt, and other debris from around the outdoor components of your system? Have you installed a programmable thermostat and programmed it properly? Have you inspected your duct system for obvious signs of leaks and disconnects? Have you had your heating and cooling equipment inspected by a professional in the last year?   If you awnsered "NO" to any of these questions, well you have some homework! Keeping your heating/cooling systems in tip top shape can save you BIG BUCK$ This blog was brought to you by Jeremy K. Frost ~ Mr. Move Up Jeremy@FrostFinds or 512-636-2746 for this blog & many...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
The good, the bad and the assumable, the long maligned VA loan. Everybody loves to bash the VA loan but few really understand the benefits it offers. Few people know that VA loans do not contain a due on sale clause (the clause that allows the bank to call the loan in when the property title transfers). Even more important is that VA loans made prior to March 01, 1988 have no qualification provisions. Occasionally the lender may challenge this provision. This is usually an attempt to get the buyer to pay for assuming the loan. Be sure to read the mortgage/note to insure that it doesn't contain a qualifying clause. As long as it doesn't, stick to your guns. As long as the loan was made prior to March 01, 1988 and doesn't contain a qualification clause the loan can be assumed by anyone, v...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
No more price reductions!  No I'm not calling the bottom for the housing market. (Although I think it's come and gone.)  What I'm talking about is using creative financing alternatives in place of price reductions for your listings. Let's look at a couple of examples of how this works. You have a $200,000 listing that isn't selling and you and your client's are considering a $5,000 price reduction. What I am suggesting is that rather than a $5,000 price reduction you do a 2/1 buy down for just a couple of hundred dollars more. Let's look at the difference that this creative financing alternative makes in the payments. For the sake of this example we will be doing 100% financing. The price reduction would look like this. $200,000 - $5,000 price reduction = $195,000 loan@ 5%=$1,047/mo Now...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
My credit score's what!!! How many times have you heard that? In general people don't think much about their credit score until they need it. I thought it might be helpful to explain just what goes into your credit score. Let's start with FICO. This is an acronym for Fair Isaac & co. whom developed the credit scoring system most widely used by lenders. The FICO model has a range from 340, very poor, to 850 very good. The system weighs several factors to determine credit worthiness. record of timely payments - 35% amount and type of outstanding debt - 30% length of credit history - 15% number and types of recently opened accounts - 10% revolving credit - 10% There are three major credit bureaus and typically the same individual will receive a different score for each one. When this happe...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
What a year it has been. We have been to the edge of the financial abyss and fortunately stepped away. Still a year later our financial system remains in a semi frozen state. We have gone from one extreme to another. Where a couple of years ago qualifying for a home mortgage meant you were able to fog a mirror now the lending institutions are putting up endless hurdles for qualified buyers. I'm not proposing a return to the subprime days I'm just suggesting that perhaps the pendulum could come back a bit closer to the middle. At a time when the housing market remains frgile, although showing some signs of life, some lenders are raising their minimum FICO scores to 640. This works in direct opposition to the the governments $8,000 1st time homebuyers tax credit. I undestand the banks nee...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
  Why wouldn't you consider Austin if you are thinking about relocating. It seems like every time I see a top ten list Austin is on it. I started researching Austin about 5 years ago and relocated here 3 years ago and I've never looked back. Take a look at some of the top 10 list below and I think you'll agree, there's something for everyone.  Call me if you want our top ten list for Southwest Austin and Dripping Springs, Texas....  The list gets better and better. # 8 for America's best bargain city #10 for America's Greenest City #2 for American cities to relocate to #1 for American city for recession recovery #3 for America's best city to live #6 for America's best city to work and play #2 America's best city to buy a home in #8 for America's best city for jobs #8 for America's faste...
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
When people think of the Texas Hill Country I don't think their first thought is wine. There are a growing number of wineries popping up in and around the Dripping Springs  area of the central Texas hill country. These vineyards will be showcasing their wares September 12 th from noon -7PM at the Creekside pavillion 18315 FM 1826 in Driftwood, across from the world famous Salt lick BBQ restaurant. There will be food music and over a dozen different wineries participating. Come enjoy the natural beauty of the Texas Hill Country with some good food, good music and some of the best wine the Texas Hill Country has to offer. For more information visit I hope to see you there!
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By France and Mark Clausen
(Realty Austin)
It's a great place to call home. Dripping Springs Texas is a sleepy little town just outside of Austin. Moving here, for me, was like taking a step back in time to my childhood. I grew up in a small Midwest town where everybody new your name, parents watched out for each others kids and everyone went to church on Sunday. I grew up and moved away to the big city and became a cop. Eventually I married a young woman who worked as a social worker doing child abuse prevention. Let's just say we both saw the darker side of humanity. As nature took its course we came to have our own children. Knowing what we knew about the society we lived in we worried about our children's safety and began researching towns across the country to relocate to.  We had 3 criteria. First we wanted a location that...
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By Jeremy K. Frost, Associate Broker, ABR,CNE,CRS,ePro,PSA,RENE,SRS
(Keller Williams Realty)
Dripping Springs  Tigers ~  4A High School Football Schedule Regular Season Schedule       Contact InformationDripping SpringsPO Box 479Dripping Springs, TX  78620-0479 DATE TIME VISITORS     HOME   8/28/2009 7:30 PM Gonzales 0   Dripping Springs 0 9/4/2009 7:30 PM Wimberley 0   Dripping Springs 0 9/10/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   McCallum 0 9/18/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   Travis 0 9/25/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   Marble Falls 0 10/2/2009 7:30 PM Killeen 0   Dripping Springs 0 10/9/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   Hutto 0 10/16/2009 7:30 PM Lampasas 0   Dripping Springs 0 10/23/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   Hendrickson 0 10/23/2009 7:30 PM Dripping Springs 0   Hendrickson 0 10/30/2009 7:30 PM Lake Travis 0   Dripping Springs   Phone: (512) 858-4905Fax: (512) 858-4...
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