There are many homes for sale in Aledo ISD with prices averaging for homes sold in the past 6 months at $275,000. In the 6 month period ending 12/10/2007, 161 Homes sold in Aledo ISD compared to 191 homes sold for the same period a year ago. Current prices in Aledo ISD vary from a low of $64,900.for 1100 square feet brick 3/2 to $1,600,000 for 3000 square feet with 47 acres. Home Buyers in Aledo are finding some of the best values for Homes For Sale in the Split Rail subdivision, with golf course homes starting as low as $90/foot for a new home. Why live anywhere else when you can own a home in Aledo, with their highly rated schools, and play golf at Split Rail. Aledo Realtor Ted Barrow can help you find and buy the right house in Aledo with the best price and terms and still rec...