Magnolia Place Market Report
By Jeremy Blanton, Myrtle Beach REALTOR®-
(Myrtle Beach Homes Blog)
Currently in Magnolia Place, there are 50 units actively listed for sale. Prices range from $64,500 for an efficiency to $214,900 for a 2 bedroom unit. There are units with pool and golf course views. Here are the ranges for each type of unit: Efficiency Units:$64,500-$69,900One Bedroom Units: $99,800- $130,000Two Bedroom Units: $134,900-$214,900 Since January 2008 there have been a total of 9 listings that have sold. Price ranges from $57,500 for an efficiency to $175,000 for a 2 bedroom unit. The average days on the market is 235 days. The fastest to sell was in 110 days, longest is 410 days. Currently Magnolia Place is averaging around 2 condominium units sold each month. This means at at this time there is a current inventory available of over 2 years. For more information abou...