
Garden City Beach, SC Real Estate News

By Pam Guthrie, Seaside Realty Co. Owner/Broker In Charge, REALTOR
(Seaside Realty Company)
  Hello from Realtor: Pam GuthrieSeaside Realty CompanyIn this market report you will see the number of properties that are CURRENTLY ACTIVE in our MLS: Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors. These statistics ONLY include properties that are located: EAST OF BUSINESS 17.This list includes residential properties only - not vacant land.types: modulars, mobile homes, stick-built, custom homes, etc. # of Active Listings: DOLLAR VOLUME   AVERAGE PRICE  MEDIAN PRICE      132                       $145,674,821           $1,103,597          $859,900       
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By Joseph Bellisario
(CwlBanker Chicora)
Redefining Yourself Is Stressful"The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding yourpersonality into the person you want to be...Be gentle with yourself,learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the rightattitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others."      One of the things I find my clients don't seem to realize is that the act of moving is also an act of redefining oneself. There is so much about our home that goes into our self-definition. Our home determines where we shop, what activities we take part in, how much time we get to spend with our family and children (depending on our commute time), who our neighbors are and therefore who we tend to associate with.     If we live in a tumbledown house in a bad section of to...
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By Joseph Bellisario
(CwlBanker Chicora)
December is here and the weather in Garden City SC has been amazing.   Can you beleive there are snow birds swimming!  We had 80 deg last week  and will see 70's for the next week or so. Jimmy Buffett always mentions changes in Latitude//Changes in attitude:  How amazing is it that I tried surfing in Ct. as a boy, crashed and burned at Matunic, left Ct  end up in Graden City , retired from Sears when I was 55.  Now I am introducing people to the great area we live in. http//  Click here and see the area thru my web site. It is Christmas time and my wife and I are giving as much as we can, I am a Mason and we are giving a turkey to the Waccamaw Chapter #89 of the Eastern Star.  Those ladies will cook sweveral turkeys and prepare many meals for the shutin's. Enuff f...
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Garden City Beach, SC Real Estate Professionals