
Charleston, SC Real Estate News

By Bobby Wallace, Sell Your Vacant Land The Hassle Free Way!
(Vacant Land Solutions)
Last night on Larry King, Donald Trunp was promoting his newest book, "Think Like A Champion" and was asked by King, the same question that hundreds of people ask every day: "What if you want to buy and you can't get the mortgage?" "The Donald" never blinked as he responded: "Larry, this is a great time to buy real estate. And as far as financing is concerned, the only financing -- the only financing you should be thinking about is seller financing. If the seller won't give you financing, don't do it, because the banks are not doing their job. They're not providing financing for deals!" See transcript : What do you think of Donald Trumps comments? Is he right? Is he wrong? Is he just being "The Donald"? What do you think?
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By Randall Sandin, 843-209-9667 - Search for Charleston SC Real Estate
(Carolina One Real Estate)
Recently, I have had a number of listings that are well priced and in good condition. Showings have been solid but still relatively few offers. I did some research and in each instance there is a home of poor quality in the neighborhood that is listed as a short sale. Each of these homes has mulitple contracts on it and they are waiting on the bank to respond....and waiting on the bank to respond...and waiting some more for the bank to respond. Three buyers are tied up trying to get a deal on this short sale home. I am guessing that this is happening in all areas and keeping some buyers from placing offers on homes that can actually respond with a counter offer or accept the offer. Can you blame the buyer? No, everyone has the right to go after what home they want and try to get the bes...
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By Kevin Breeland, CMB
The World Famous Pluto Springs, French Lick Resort and Casino, French Lick, Indiana.  
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  Courtyard of the French Lick Resort and Casino, French Lick, Indiana. A beautiful turn of century resort that has all the charm of yester year. If you have never been or it has been a while since you were there...plan to is worth the trip and the prices a very reasonable.
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By Bobby Wallace, Sell Your Vacant Land The Hassle Free Way!
(Vacant Land Solutions)
The Charleston Real Estate Investor's Association will host the free 60 minute class and tour and will have a real estate attorney, home inspector and mortgage specialist available to answer questions.  Only 20 seats are available. To register for this free class, visit: or call 1-800-896-0402.
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Historic Old Village Home, Garden & Art TourApril 19, 2009 - Old Village Mt. Pleasant   The Historic Old Village Home, Garden & Art Tour will showcase some of the finest homes in Mt. Pleasant. This self-guided tour offers guests a unique opportunity to look inside some of the Old Village's most beautiful homes and gardens. The tour will also feature an art sale with works from: Sally Cade, Nancy Hoerter, Hilarie Lambert, Ben Nita McAdam, Beth McLean, All Lee Merrill, Laurie Meyer, Elizabeth Middour, Ann Patterson, Leslie Pratt-Thomas, Sheryl Stalnaker, Carole Tinkey, Janie Trouche, and Shannon Brown Wood. The Tour begins at Edwards Park, Royall Avenue between Bank and Ferry Streets.  Time is 1:00-5:00pm.  Tour proceeds will benefit the American Red Cross, Carolina Lowcountry Chapter. A ...
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By Kevin Breeland, CMB
MIRA or H.R. 1728...for most of you out there this is unknown. I could write about this for a week but I won't. What few that do follow this blog would stop. Let me give you a brief rundown. MBA's Summary is 23 pages long so I will do my best to be brief. In a nut shell here are some key components. MIRA is "Mortgage Improvement and Regulation Act of 2009" and is MBA's attempt to be in front of rather than reacting to Mortgage Reform. Personally, I think the MBA is doing exactly what they should be doing, taking the lead on this issue. I am going to breakdown the purpose into 6 components, 1) Establish a new federal regulator responsible for mortgage lending standards, 2) Require the new regulator to implement tough national mortgage lending standards including substantive requirement f...
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
Conservative Real Estate Investors in Goose Creek and in the Charleston SC Area are Buying Homes Real Estate Investors in Goose Creek and in the Charleston SC area are buying homes and are buying them conservatively.  These Investors are buying foreclosures and short sales at well below the average listed market prices.  By doing this these investors are being able to rent and have their rental properties cash very easily. How To Invest In Today's Real Estate Market A quick guide to the professional real estate investor's mindset Chris Cleason, Nuwire Investor, Monday, April 06, 2009 - If the strategy for investing in real estate in 2009 had to be whittled down to one word, it would be this one: "conservatively." There are a number of differing opinions about when the market is going to...
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Well, I'm back and no I did not get left on the side of the road. How, well I guess I was better behaved this about the trip. Well, the trip consisted of 1875 miles, leaving Mount Pleasant, SC of Saturday April 4th at 5:30pm...yea kind of a late start. First night was in North Carolina, then on Sunday we made it to Washington, DC. From Sunday night to Wednesday Afternoon we were in DC. We left DC on Wednesday afternoon headed west through Maryland and into West Virginia. Spent the night in Charleston, WV and then started Thursday morning to Indiana. From Thursday to Saturday we spent the time at the French Lick Resort and Casino. Although the Casino was as nice and Vegas like I have ever seen outside of Vegas I am happy to say my wife and I only left a little over $100 ther...
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By Bobby Wallace, Sell Your Vacant Land The Hassle Free Way!
(Vacant Land Solutions)
Today is an especially GREAT day to be above ground! My kids came by to see me... My Grandbabies are getting ready for an Easter Egg hunt... The Braves are playing pretty good baseball.. The final round of the Masters is about to come on.. (Let's see if Tiger can make a charge!)  Have a neice and her new  3 month old baby, (that we haven't see) on their way to visit.. Life is good in Charleston! I am as happy as a hog in mud.   Hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend as much as I did!    
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Do you need a professional level Virtual Tour for one of your listings? We provide interactive floor plan based tours for agents and would love to add you to our site as a featured Realtor for your area. See some samples we did in Lexington, South Carolina by clicking on the photo below. Once page loads open up a tour by clicking on click to open home.
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
First Time Home Buyers in Goose Creek and in the Charleston SC area look take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit The clock is ticking before the $8,000 Tax Credit will no longer be available and many first time home buyers are starting to get off the fence and buy homes in Goose Creek and in the Charleston SC area.  Those first time home buyers who decide now to buy, will find they will be rewarded in a few years when the market returns.  The combination of low interest rates and low home prices is an unbelievable opportunity to buy a home. First-time home buyers spurred on by tax credits Federal incentives of up to $8,000 are convincing many to make the leap, Lee Howard, Published on 4/11/2009 - Michael and Dianne Page took more than two years to look for a home before final...
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
Homes at the Right Price are Selling in Charleston & Goose Creek, SC Home sellers are your homes priced correctly to sell?  If not, your home is still for sale.  Home buyers are buying homes at realistic prices and not at prices where most of the homes are currently listed for in Charleston and Goose Creek, SC.  With a high inventory of homes on the market and more foreclosures coming, the high supply of homes should push prices down to realistic levels.  Those homes that priced correctly and are in reasonable condition are selling with multiple offers. Real Estate Market Hot For Low, Mid-Priced Homes Multiple Offers, Bidding Wars Possible For Houses Priced Near $250K Lane Lyon, 7NEWS Reporter,, 11:21 pm MDT April 8, 2009 - DENVER -- Denver-area homeowners living in...
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By Anna Rose
(Carolina One Real Estate)
Agents / Sellers / Buyers- How much do you know about Short Sales? My office recently had an office meeting about why it is important to get educated in knowing and understanding the market of Short Sales.  I found it very interesting that a lot of agents will do a short sale, but don't know much about the process.  I recently looked over the MLS and noticed exactly how many short sale properties were on the Tri-County market.  It amazed me on how many agents put the wrong language within the "Agent Remarks" section.  If you're an agent and you plan on doing a short sale, please do everyone a favor and get educated on these types of transactions.  Short Sales can hurt a seller more vs. helping them if you don't know what you're doing. If you're a seller in need of a short sale or a buye...
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By Rosalinda Morgan, "The Rose Lady"
  Copyright © 2009.  By Rosalinda Morgan, "The Rose Lady".  All rights reserved.. *THE ROUND CHURCH, CHARLESTON, SC*   If you are interested in selling or buying a home in East Norwich, Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay Cove, Brookville, Muttontown, Syosset, Laurel Hollow, Bayville, Centre Island and Mill Neck, please contact Rosalinda Morgan, "The Rose Lady".  Ph - 516-385-0584 Email - Website -
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By Michael Johnson, Metro Charleston SC
(Carolina One Real Estate)
Charleston SC is an amazing city.  It is consistently voted in the Top 5 in tourists locations in the U.S. and nearly always voted as the nation's friendliest city.  That which makes up Charleston is not just the downtown area that many are familiar with, but also the surrounding towns and city that make up the metropolitan.  I've compiled a list of things to do that may be helpful if you should have the fortune of visiting our beautiful city. 10.  Carriage Tours - One of the best ways to see and hear the sights and sounds  of downtown Charleston is to take a Carriage Tour.  There is something about riding in a horse drawn carriage down a cobblestone road that makes learning that much more enjoyable.   9.  Beaches - being a coastal city, Charleston is surrounded by barrier islands with...
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By Kevin Breeland, CMB
This week I am in Washington, DC for the Real Estate Services Providers Council, Inc (RESPRO) Annual Conference. For those of you who are unaware of this trade group here is their link, This week the message from all the speakers have been cut your expenses, look at your agent productivity, what is your cost per unit sold, and are your agents using your affiliates? This message has been spoken over and over. All of us in this industry are have our bottom lines squeezed harder and harder and with that comes the need to develop a better on going relationships with your affiliated business partners. Yes, there are some out there who say that my affiliated mortgage partner never works for my business, they do a poor job, they never try and develop a relationship, and I under...
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
     More Homes For Sale, will benefit Home Buyers in Goose Creek Charleston SC with Lower Home Prices Lifting of the foreclosure moratium, may flood the market with more homes for sale in Goose Creek Charleston SC area.  Bad news for home sellers, where the real estate market is very competitive in at certain price ranges and locations.  Good news for home buyers, this should help lower prices further and make some sellers more motivated to sell.  New Economic Reports Suggest Middle Class May Have To Wait For Economic Recovery Dawn Teo, Arizona Politics, Posted April 6, 2009 | 05:30 PM (EST) -  A few good numbers in March -- gains in consumer spending, higher number of home sales, increases in factory orders -- seems to be all it takes for some Wall Street analysts (and real estate ag...
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By Kevin Breeland, CMB
Today I writing this from Washington, DC, or officially the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia, known as DC, was founded as the capital of the United States July 16, 1790. At that time there was The City of Washington and a municipality until Congress in 1871 effectively merged the two together forming the District of Columbia. The District, another term it is known by, has a representative At-Large and no Senator. The Unites States Congress has supreme authority over the District, citizens of the District have less self-governance than residents of the states and the Twenty-Third Amendment was ratified in 1961 giving its citizens the right to vote in Presidential Elections. The license plate of the District, Taxation without Representation.     I enjoy coming to DC because ...
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Explore Charleston, SC