Dog Days of Summer
By Diane Velikis, Luzerne County Real Estate
(Coldwell & Banker Busch Real Estate)
Ahhh the dog days of summer. My Labor Day was spent working with my husband on some exhausting yard work. Finally after a much needed dip in the pool, we cooled off and I decided to check on a property out in Harveys Lake for an out of town client. No ride to Harveys Lake is complete without swinging in to the Ranch Wagon. This 50 year old establishment is the result of Allan Robertson who at age 16 started this car side service. Rolling down your window for a tray that sits on it some how, and wait for the waitress and waiter to bring your order to the car began for Shavertown in 1955.It's great that some things don't change with time, and the nostalgia for this type of dining remains for the Luzerne County residents. Even our new arrivals must admit that the closest thing they...