
Clarks Summit, PA Real Estate News

By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
As amazing as this may seem the story is true.  Facts like these often escape our attention unless we see it on Facebook or Twitter. A 20 year old college student was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive brain tumor in 2012.  The tumor was the size of a tennis ball.  She went through surgery and aggressive chemo therapy.  The tumor returned and was considered terminal. Researchers at Duke University had been working with a modified Polio virus therapy.  Polio was once a dreaded disease in this country. It struck down old and young alike.  A former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was crippled from this disease.  Thousands of  people died from it.  Thousands more were kept alive on what was called an iron lung.  Tens of thousands more were crippled and needed crutches to function. I...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
This can be one of the most gut wrenching tasks a son or daughter could face.  Especially if they grew up in the home and it's filled with childhood memories.  Maybe long ago you moved away and have a family of your own.  Coming home now that the folks are gone is surreal and often unnerving.  Fond memories of holidays with the family all together flood over you.  You laugh at the silly little stunts you pulled as a kid.  You cry for your loved ones who are no longer here.  You feel the need to find someone who will love the home as much as  you do.   You need to sell - but at the same time do not want to let go. So here you are.  Looking around and wondering where do I start? Perhaps you also are left with furniture, possessions, autos, antiques, collections or just plain excess stuff ...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
I re-blogged a post by Realtor Larry Brewer regarding National Humane Societies on Active Rain a few weeks ago. This is the link so you can review Larry's article. I thought it was worth posting the message again and adding some additional information. It might benefit reader to know that The Human Society of The United States does not care for one single animal. The Human Society of the United States spends millions of your donated dollars on administrative costs, salaries, lobbying and advertising. You see pleading ads on TV with celebrities asking for just $19.00 a month to sign up and save a particular pet. Those ads costs millions. Your donations pay for them. So how many co...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Mega Electronics retailer Best Buy has just announced they will be closing 50 store nationwide. They plan to cut 400 jobs in an effort to stem the flow of losses.  2011 Best Buy posted $1.2 Billion in annual loss. The company plans on scaling down retail locations to compete with monster internet retailers like If you have any doubt about the power of the internet this drastic change in business models should be enlightening.  Best Buy plans on opening 100 petite Connected Stores, where they will sell e-readers, tablet computers, cellphones, and service plans.  There are currently 305 such stores in the Best Buy chain. The familiar blue sprawling big box store may soon begin to disappear nationwide. Real Estate marketing has been headed in the same direction.  Big bull pen o...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Much has been written about the need for disclosure in real estate transactions.  In this instance I'm addressing the need for a seller to disclose property condition.  Some agents inadvertently allow a seller to skirt their responsibility.  I'm not suggesting that agents are culpable or assist non-compliance.  I am suggesting they don't fully understand the law, or that a sellers disclosure might have to be amended during the listing contract. In Pa a Sellers Disclosure is required on all residential real estate transactions.  Pa law exempts certain classifications of individuals from the disclosure responsibility. There are 9 exemptions: Banks (foreclosed properties) Fiduciary - Estates Court Order Co-Owner transfers Transfers made to testate or intestate successions  Transfers made t...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Every day we venture out of our safety net into the world of the unknown.  You might be a Realtor, Home Inspector, Stager, Mortgage Broker, Title Agent, Attorney or Property Manager.  Your spouse sets off for his or her job, and the kids are safely tucked on the bus for their day at school. You perform your morning ritual which might include breakfast, checking your email or returning some phone calls.  Getting ready to run out the door - remember to grab your keys, files, lap top, Ipad, and by all means don't forget your cell phone. Before you dash out of the house to tackle a new day ----Did you put your cell phone on ice? What would happen it the unthinkable occurred on your way to the office or during your work day?  A car accident.  A heat attack.  Being hit by a car when crossing ...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Clarks Summit Pa is a great place to buy a home.  Come and visit Clarks Summit and see for yourself.  It's a community that beckons you to stay.  No matter what your lifestyle you can find the perfect home to settle down in.Clarks Summit is also referred to as The Abingtons.  Several communities nestled together within a stones throw of all major highways.    Clarks Green, Waverly, Clarks Summit, Newton, Ransom, Glenburn, South Abington, Dalton and Chinchilla are all local communities in the Abington School District.Clarks Summit Pa is a great place to buy a home because no matter where you need to be, you can get there easily.  Located at the end of the northeast turnpike extension, the Philadelphia area is a few hours drive.  Easy access to I-81 takes you north to New York or south to...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
After reading these old guys in wigs, one must ask if they possessed a crystal ball? "I Can See Clearly Now" must have been a pop standard in the 1700's "We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat in our drink, in our necessities and comforts, in our labors and in our amusements, for our callings and our creeds...our people.. must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, give earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live..   We have not time to think, no means of calling the mis-managers to account, but be glad to obta...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Would you know the face of courage if you saw it?This blog is meant to send a very important message to all my friends on Active Rain. I'd like to introduce you to the faces of Courage.  Our Military, Firefighters, Police and First Responders all possess the kind of courage heroes are made of.  We know that, and should always give them their due.  They are entitled to our utmost appreciation for their skills and selfless sacrifices for us and others. Ordinary people you see on the street or meet in the grocery store can possess that quality, but you would never guess it.  People who have fought a foe so life altering and huge, yet it is but a speck under the glare of a microscope.  These faces of courage have fought a battle single handed and virtually alone.  They did not have comrades...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Candyland Finally Sold - Bath Water Included Candy Spelling the widow of Gazillionaire Aaron Spelling has been trying to sell her little digs for the past two years. 56,500 sq feet with a little attic containing 17,000 square feet.  Pick a bedroom there are 14, if you can find them within the other 123 rooms and 27 bathrooms.  Parking for 100 vehicles, gift wrapping rooms, beauty salon, bowling alley and of course the ever necessary flower cutting room. Candy has been trying to unload this monster for $150 million.  She finally accepted a fire sale price of $85 million cash. That's a 43% discount.  She will be moving to a modest 15,000 square foot condo.  How's a poor girl gonna downsize? So you think you are in a rough reall estate market? Even the Celebs are taking a bath when selling...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Clarks Summit Pa Luxury Homes And Real Estate Located just minutes from Scranton Pa, Clarks Summit and the surrounding communities offer some of the finest luxury homes available in North East Pennsylvania. Close to major interstates, shopping, recreation and popular schools Clarks Summit offers upscale living choices for families of all sizes. For the most current list of Luxury homes click on CLARKS SUMMIT PA LUXURY HOMES For appointments or additional information on any property listed please contact Jayne or Bonnie Vaughan via email, text or phone 570-878-8120 Feel free to use our website without restrictions, to search the latest listings, for other nearby communities offering luxury homes or estates. SCRANTON PA HOMES FOR SALE 
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Recently the National Association of Realtors circulated a story I saw on the wire.It seems that Robo signing of documents around the United States has led to paperwork discrepancies in real estate transactions. The current owner of the home may not in fact own it, if the documents filed are robo signed. What happens when they want to sell their home or refinance?  At the same time the banks who hold mortgages on homes in default may not legally be able to foreclose on them because of robo signatures. We have already heard that banks who acquired mortgages and do not have the original signed note may not be able foreclose without it.  There are attorneys who have been savvy to this fact for quite some time.  Many homeowners have managed to win in court and challenge the legality of a fo...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
  President Obama signed into law the most all encompassing, mammoth health care program in our nations history.  This is so good for our country. It's good for everyone.  Finally affordable health care for all.  This is what America has clamored for, we have been told.  It solves the ills of our health care delivery system for decades to come.  It will reduce the deficit by billions in the first 10 years and over 1 trillion in the next 10 years. Much back slapping and jubilation was shared when it passed and at the signing. Many in this country rejoiced under the misguided belief this bill was the best of the best. Prior to the vote, when asked about the bills contents, Nancy Pelosi quipped we would just have to pass the bill to find out what is in it. Over the next few weeks more of t...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
  One of the critical components of the Obama health care bill is cost.  The bill has not reached a final version even today, which is one day before the vote. A true cost analysis has yet to be done. We have no idea for example, how much the health care plan will cost for a family of 4 making $40,000.00 per year. You have no idea how much you will pay in additional taxes to fund it.  You do not know if your current employer will abandon the health care plan you enjoy now.  If your current employer wishes to drop coverage - you will be forced into the government program. "If you like your current insurance plan - you can keep your current insurance plan".  That is one of the biggest lies being told to the American public. Your elected officials should be adding -  "IF YOUR EMPLOYER KEEP...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
In a time when job creation is critical, would you expect Washington to take over an industry and eliminate jobs in the private sector? Obama is planning to eliminate an entire industry from the landscape of America, and convert it to a government run entity. The administration is moving quickly to pass legislation which would take over the Student School Loan program. The move according to the administration will save 67 billion over the next 10 years. Those savings amount to fees paid to third party lenders. The third party banks and lenders employ people to process these loans and administer them. The bank is also making profits on interest from a government guaranteed loan.  The savings of 67 billion would then be used to fund more grants to low-income students, who traditionally ar...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Looks like President Obama has forsaken his months long boycott of Fox News.  He will be appearing tonight, March 17th at 6pm with Briet Baier.  One would venture Obama is getting desperate to try and reach conservative voters to sway them. Funny he would not accept an invitation from Glen Beck or Sean Hannity.  The White House won't even call Beck's red phone.  Obama wants to be assured a "safe" interview.  Beck or Hannity would tear him up. Seems like Obama wants to push his health care agenda on Fox News to reach their viewership.  Perhaps he suddenly realized the Main Stream Media outlets are viewed by Americans the same way the Daily News is viewed by New Yorkers - FISH WRAP. I'm afraid this will be a sterilized interview.  I'm hoping it will not.  Briet is not known to be a confro...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
The Liberty Bell was originally commissioned by the Assembly of the Colony of Pennsylvania in 1751. It was designed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges, Pennsylvania's original Constitution. In honor of the founding father of Pennsylvania, William Penn a Quaker, an inscription was placed on the bell.   The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia has inscribed the words "Proclaim Liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof..."      It is a passage from the Torah, Leviticus 25:10, as translated by the King James Bible. The bell was cast by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England.  It was given its first trial ring in March of 1753 and cracked.  Article American craftsmen Pass and Stow actually recast the bell two times to strengthen i...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
The Washington Examiner has reported that America is not reaping the benefit of the jobs stimulus package. "In fact, the largest grant made under the program so far, a $178 million payment on Dec. 29, went to Babcock & Brown, a bankrupt Australian company that built a Texas wind farm using turbines made in Japan." What happened to the green revolution we were going to start in this country?  What is wrong with American workers? Why can't we manufacture solar panels and wind turbines?  We are going to import them from China. Makes a lot of sense. They certainly have a great reputation for manufacturing integrity. So much for thinking we were actually going to stimulate American jobs. Washington Examiner ____________________________________________
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
This is an article which appeared in Newsmax today.  I'll give you the link.  Sometimes I am concerned they will not work because I get these articles in email.  If you have a problem with the link let me know.Here is an excerpt from the article: "Thomas Jefferson wrote about global warming back in the early 19th century, before there were any emissions from cars, coal-fired power plants, and other developments of the Industrial Age.   In a letter to Philadelphia physician and professor Nathaniel Chapman dated Dec. 11, 1809, nine months after he left the presidency, Jefferson wrote: “The change which has taken place in our climate is one of those facts which all men of years are sensible of and yet none can prove by regular evidence. They can only appeal to each other’s general observat...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
ABC news has reported that Bart Stupak and 11 other House members will not vote for the Health Care bill due to abortion language.  Stupak claims the language is not restrictive enough to prevent federal dollars from being used to fund abortions. ABC News Article The Senate health care bill mandates that insurance companies will collect $1 per month from every enrolled member towards federally funded reproductive health services. The federal government would directly subsidize abortions claims Stupak.  In addition every enrollee in the Office of Personnel Management will also have to pay the $1 per month. The 7 billion raised would go to 1200 community health care centers across the United States largely run by Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood primarily provides reproductive ser...
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Clarks Summit, PA Real Estate Professionals