Is Your Home Market Ready?
By Marina Gavrylyuk, Homes & Condos for Sale in Mississauga and Toronto
(Sutton Group Summit)
Putting your home on the market may be the last thing you have on your mind.But as you know, life happens. Things change. You might unexpectedly find yourself in the position of wanting or having to quickly sell your home.It happens more often than you might think. In fact, according to studies into why people sell their homes, more than a third are due to relatively quick and unexpected changes. Something happens – a job relocation, a lifestyle change – and the homeowner finds him or herself making a move.In these situations, the biggest source of stress is caused by the need to prepare the current home for sale.If you’ve lived in your house for a few years, or even just a few months, you know how quickly things can pile up. The garage and basement get filled with stored items. Things ...