Are Open Houses a Waste of Time? Planning is Key, Along With A Positive Mindset
By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
There are many opinions from agents on the worth of conducting open houses. Some believe it is a waste of time, others feel it is a worthwhile exercise. I suspect those that feel it is a waste of time aren't taking the necessary steps in preparation to have a successful one, or not going in with a positive mindset. Of course, it is up to the Seller if they request that you conduct one... and I most always suggest at least one public one, in addition to one for agents. The objective is to try and get as many prospective buyers into the home... Have you ever wondered what tools the super stars in the industry use every single time they do an Open House and what sets them apart from the rest? Here are just some of the things I do when conducting a successful open house. If it doesn't ...