
Mississauga, ON Real Estate News

By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
The numbers are in for 2016 for the Toronto, Ontario and surrounding area and record sales have been reported. Toronto Real Estate Board President Larry Cerqua announced that 2016 was a second consecutive record year for home sales. Greater Toronto Area REALTORS® reported 113,133 home sales through TREB’s MLS® System – up by 11.8 per cent compared to 2015. The calendar year 2016 result included 5,338 sales in December – an annual increase of 8.6 per cent. The strongest annual rate of sales growth in 2016 was experienced for condominium apartments followed by detached homes. “A relatively strong regional economy, low unemployment and very low borrowing costs kept the demand for ownership housing strong in the GTA, as the region’s population continued to grow in 2016,” said Mr. Cerqua. Th...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Are you still keeping relevent in this digital age? I became a licensed realtor in 1987, and things have changed dramatically since then.There was no internet to post our listings, or for consumers to look at listings, we didn't have e-mail, and we were provided with a book once a week from our local board to see new listings.. they was a very small black and white photo with a brief description of the property.  We typed our offers on electric typewriters - 6 copies, using carbon paper...  Very few agents had cell phones back then, and if they did, they were large and cumbersome and were "installed" in your car, and very expensive.Lockboxes were not used back then either.  I had to visit each brokerage to sign out the key to the property, take my buyers to see the properties, and then ...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Are you a perspective Buyer that is turned off by paint colours and the furniture in other people’s homes and find it difficult to see your family living there? For some individuals, its difficult to envision transformation in a room where paint colour, for example is a complete turn off… or if the furniture is not to their taste, or the house is untidy, while others can envision the transformation by simply adding their own flavour to the room and can see it in their mind’s eye. Buying a home can be a very emotional experience… that applies to women in particular.  In my experience over the past 29 + years of practicing real estate, when husband and wife are purchasing a home, it’s usually the woman who decides on what home to buy. To most men.. it’s just brick and mortar.. and their b...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
How many times have you represented your Buyer in a multiple offer situation and you weren't the successful Buyer, and always had a suspicion that perhaps there really wasn't another bonafide offer?What safeguards are there in place to verify that there was another offer? There are at times some agents who conduct themselves in an unethical manner, and we would always wonder if indeed there was another offer at all.If I am presenting an offer and I am of the belief there are competing offers I always insert a clause to say that I am submitting the offer  with the understanding that there are competing offers.I add an additional clause that says if I my offer is accepted that the Listing Agent will provide me with the name and contact information of the competing agents, and failure to d...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Sitting and reflecting today of the year gone past brings back many memories.. lots laughter, some tears, some really good things happened, and some not so good, but that's life.  We all have things that come along that challenge us in life, but it's how we handle those challenges that make us who we are.  When we have challenges in life we work through them and keep going, even though at times it can be very difficult. I am thankful for so many things, for my family, and friends who have supported me not just this year, but for many years. I am thankful that I still enjoy good health even in my 70's, that I can stil continue to work, doing the thing I love.. helping familes find their next new home, or selling their current one.  Wishing all my Activerain friends a very Happy New Year ...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
What do you think is the most important quality consumers look for in a real estate agent? Ideally this list will cover most of what consumers really look for in an agent, (and the value agents bring to the consumer) to represent them, but what do you think is THE most important quality in their eyes?What do you think are the top 3 qualities? Provides Exceptional Service Has Knowledge and Experience Puts clients' Needs First and Foremost Is Trustworthy Provides them the knowledge they need to make an informed decision Is always available and answers telephone calls promptly Is attentive to detail Is Tenacious and Assertive Is tech savvy Has a presence on the internet and competent  in social media skills  Has great testimonials Communicates with you and keeps you informed They listen to...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
A few  days ago I received a cold call on one of my listings, which is a rental property.  The young woman asked if I could show her the unit, and I said of course, I would be happy to show it to her.   Then I told her I would need to ask her a few questions before we proceed. I asked her if she was working with another agent, and she responded that she was working with a couple of agents.  I then asked her if she had a Buyer Repreentation Agreement signed with any of those agnets, and she responded, she didn't.I then asked her if I took the time to show her the unit and she liked it would she be submitting an offer wtth me, or would she be using one of the other agents.  She responded by saying it would be her intention she would be using one of the other agents.   I then politely sugg...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Woke up this morning to yet another blanket of freshly fallen snow...  Ugghhh It was so mild last week it all but melted away.. and now here it is back again!!     It looks so pretty on the evergreen trees, the boughs heavy with a blank of fresh light snow, and the squirrels in my back yard are bouncing from limb to limb, chasing each other....and the cardinals and Blue Jays balancing on he feeder pecking for their food. But it is not so pretty when you have to drive in this stuff!!  People seem to forget how to drive between snowfalls...  Oh well, guess I have to expect this for another 3 months... :(  
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Having a fresh clean scent in your home is very inviting, or the pleasant odour of cookies or bread baking in the oven!!   Strong plug-ins, or harsh cooking odours are one way to discourage buyers from taking a careful look at your home and usually will not take the time to look at the home seriously, especially if someone is allergic to a specific odour.I recall, several years ago looking for a very high end home for one of my clients.  I arranged several viewings, and we are talking homes priced close to $1,000,000. This was a large, executive and stately home, about 5,000 square feet. It was situated on a very large lot, backing onto a ravine.. and had great curb appeal. Three car garage !!However, upon entering the front door, we were immediately met with the strong, pungent odour o...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Hiring a contractor can be a scary and stressful experience and I’m sure we have all heard of the horror stories of contractors disappearing after receiving their deposit, finding out they are not a licenced contractor and not qualiafied for the job, they do shoddy workmanship, and not obtianing the right permits... and the list goes on and on.But these pitfalls can be avoided, and you can hire the right person for the job! Here are some tips on choosing the right contractor: The first step is finding a contractor… the best way is by word of mouth referral of someone you know who has used this person in the past. Ask family or friends if they can recommend someone. You can also find them in the yellow pages, on the internet, trade organizations, or bulletin boards. Obtain at least 3 quo...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
For the past few years, my daughter who owns and manages a Restaurant/Bar in downtown Toronto has been giving back to the community at Christmas, but not with the usual food donation or toy drive, as there are lots of those all around the city.She contacted an agency who focuses on Senior Citizens living in Nursing Homes.  My daugher sets up a Christmas Tree in the bar, then the agency delivers tags to hang on the tree.These tags have the first name of a Senior, their age, and what they would like as a gift. Sometimes, its a piece of costume jewellery, a scarf, a tie, cologne, a box of chocolates, gloves, music box, etc.The patrons of the bar come in and pick a tag (or sometimes they pick several) from the tree.. They then go out and purchase the item for the senior they asked for and d...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Selling a home is one of the most important financial decisions you will make, and working with the right realtor to market your home, is another important decision you will make to achieve the best possible benefit.Ask a family member, friend or neighbour if they have used the services of a real estate agent recently and ask about the quality of service the agent provided.  Referrals are a good way to find a great agent.If you don’t have that option available, here are some things to consider when selecting an agent to represent you.Choose a realtor who: works in, and is familiar with your city and neighbourhood has a presence on the internet has a vibrant and dynamic website to market your home works full-time in the real estate business. keeps up with the latest market trends. is acc...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
PRE-LISTING HOUSE INSPECTIONWELL & SEPTIC TESTINGBuyers and Sellers have evolved into savvy people thanks to the information available on the internet, which provides a lot of information with a click of a button.When I first got into real estate back in 1987, house inspections were rarely performed, at least where I was living.  It was very rare to even see a lockbox on the property.  Back then I had to travel to each office prior to showing the properties to get each key for the houses I was showing.  After I showed the properties to my clients, I then had to return them to each individual brokerage office.  This made it very inconvenient and restricted other agents from showing the property, as they had to wait until the keys were returned.I have noticed a shift now, where many savvy...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
I know some of you you in the States are probably not familiar with the term "Boxing Day."  It's something here in Canada the day after Christmas which is also considered a holday when typically huge sales are going on with prices slashed everywhere.  It is absolute Mayhem. when people actually get into fights over parking spots... and fighting over merchandise in stores.For me, its not worth venturing out into the madness... retailers are suffering so much already, that things are on sale everywhere, and prices are being slashed on the internet.. so why bother going out to fight the crowds??Not for me!! I'd rather stay in and order online!
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Wishing all my Activerain friends and colleagues very best wishes for this festive season.. It's the season of giving... giving to others who are less fortunate, so if you haven't already done so please donate a toy for a child who otherwise may not have a gift to open.. or donate to your nearest food bank so a family can enjoy a good meal.  
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Real Estate is alive and well in the Metropolitan Toronto area... but when is this madness going to end?GTA house goes for $400,000 over asking: ‘It was like a rock concert’ About 800 people viewed the property over three days, eventually selling for $1.1 million. Click on the photo for full article With all that said, keep in mind this house was priced well below the market value for the area, so in reality it only sold slightly above fair market value. 
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
What I Need From You ….  To Give You The Best Service A  few guidelines/procedures to keep in mind when your home is listed for sale.Setting Up  ShowingsMy office will call you to request an appointment when an agent has a prospective Buyer that would like to see your home. If you are not available, a message is left on your answering machine if you have one, or depending upon arrangements made, we will grant the request and provide access to your home with a lockbox.Make Your Home  AccessibleHaving your home accessible to prospective Buyers as much as possible, is critical in the sale of your home.  Agents try to give as much notice as possible for requests to show your home, but there are times when last minute requests do occur.  Granting requests as much as possible is desirable … t...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Working hand in hand with your realtor can generate the results you want much faster!  As the home owner you have the responsibility to ensure the home is clean and well kept, and ready for perspective buyers at a moment’s notice.  De-clutter if necessary, and consult with your realtor to see if Staging would be beneficial.  It is well documented that staging produces higher sales amounts, and in less time.  It’s difficult for any realtor to extol the features of your home if it is cluttered, dirty and unkept.  Remember, not all Buyers are visionaries and cannot see past the clutter and iridescent paint colours.  The Realtor has his/her responsibility to market the sale of your home in a professional and efficient manner to obtain the end result you want.So, in that regard, here are som...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
A few years ago I attended out annual ” sales kickoff" meeting, and having attended numerous meetings such as these in the past, thought it was going to be the typical “Rah-Rah” atmosphere, but I was pleasantly surprised. At the meeting was a keynote speaker from Nova Scotia named Eddie Lemoine. Eddie has the ability to resonate with his audience with a sincere and forthright manner in which he engages with people.  He is insightful, collaborative and a great motivator. Eddie is the author of a book entitled “Bring About What You Think About” a practical guide to attracting the life you desire.I left the meeting with a whole new way of thinking and immediately changed my thought process to thinking what I wanted to happen in my life.  I purchased his book before I left the meeting.In th...
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By Gloria Valvasori, Accredited Senior Agent, REAL Experience | REAL Commitment | REAL Results!
Experts say that moving is one of the most stressful times one can go through, and I tend to agree with that. Although we try to alleviate as much stress as possible, it is sometimes difficult to do.Being organized is essential to a great move, and a less stressful one.  Here are some tips on how you can help get organized for the big day.Countdown to Moving Day - A Useful Guide to Planning Your MoveMoving DayMoving day can become a very hectic and stressful time.  Here is a guideline that could help make moving day a lot less stressfulCounting Down to Moving Day By Douglas GrayWhether you're selling your home or buying a new home, you need to budget for moving costs. Make sure you get three to five written estimates from moving companies, as well as complete information packages. Consi...
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