
London, ON Real Estate News

By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Below is a retort and bureaucratic mixup, foul up and a FUBAR event that occurred a few years ago, This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania . This guy's response is hilarious, but read the State's letter before you get to the response letter. SUBJECT: DEQ File No.97 -59-0023; T 11N; R10W, Sec. 20; Lycoming County Dear Mr. DeVries: It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of property. You have been certified as the legal landowner and/or contractor who did the following unauthorized activity: Construction and maintenance of two wood debris...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
I am holding a Power of Sale Open Houseof a 2 story Home in London at416 Stonehaven Place in beautiful Hazelden North which is off of Riverside Drive and Hartson Road in west London. Open this weekend November 7 & 8 from 1-3PM. This home is located in a prestigious and executive area and has 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, finished lower and an inground pool.    The home is only 10 years old . This home is priced at $412,900 and you could not replace it with the costs of building today. Here is your chance to own an executive home for  a low price and with some care, could earn a great return in a few years! Why not go for a drive on this beautiful weekend and see for yourself!
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Dear Prime Minister Harper and President Obama . Please find below a suggestion for fixing our economy!  Instead of giving billions of dollars to the car industry that will squander the moneyon lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan: There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them 1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations: 1) They MUST retire. Ten million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They MUST buy a new CAR. Ten million cars ordered - Automotive Industry fixed. 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing and Mortgage Crisis fixed. 4) They must send their kids to school / college / university - Crime rate fixed. 5) Buy $50 of alc...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Have you been looking for a Dream Home with acreage Under $100? Go no further, this home is in a rustic setting, mother in law quarters, colour coded kitchen and more. To see a virtual tour of this inexpenseve home, go to
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
  Your Kitchen and Dining Room Can Be Worth $$$$ When Selling Your Home                                                              Part 4 of Easy & Inexpensive Ways to Prepare Your Home for Sale  The prospective buyers are now walking to your kitchen and dining area. The curb appeal enticed them to park their car, the entranceway appealed to their sense of warmth and now they are thinking "This might be the one!"  It will be if you keep in mind the following:    Remove items you normally store on the counter. This will help your kitchen look more spacious. Make sure that your counter is spotless and shiny Your eat-in kitchen should have a table and chairs in it. Buyers like to see an eat-in kitchen but often don't have the vision to see it as such without the furniture.   Remove wind...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Buyers Have Just Walked into Your Home, Now What?  Part 3 of Easy & Inexpensive Ways to Prepare Your Home For Sale   So now we the prospective buyer has parked their car because you had curb appeal and they have entered your house. Before I get into each room, let's discuss   Ideas for Every Room in the House  Give the house a real "once over" cleaning. Clean it from top to bottom. Clean houses have a competitive edge over dirty houses.  Let some air in. Get fresh breezes going to completely air out the house and get rid of any "stale" odors you may not even notice. (That could be you too!)  Start packing now. Pack up everything you don't use right now, put it in boxes and store the boxes out of the house if possible.  Think model home. Remove "extra" furniture and accessories. Make it ...
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By Dan & Rachael Polakovic with The Team, London Ontario Real Estate Professionals
(Realty Executives Elite Ltd Brokerage)
MOVING! Sometimes I think it should be a four letter word! The exhiliration of your purchase soon fades and your closing date approaches. You become nervous and your "To Do" list seems endless. With appointments with lawyers and mortgage companies, movers and the endless amounts of packing you hardly have time to think about who you have to call and be notified of your move. Here is a list of important things to think about prior to or just after your move. 1. All utility companies need to be notified to cancel your current service (if applicable) and to ensure the service at your new home is in your name and begins on the day you take possession. Your lawyer may or may not do this, so it is always a good idea to take the extra step and ensure it is done. In the City of London the compa...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
You Passed Curb Appeal, Now what? A Series of Inexpensive Ways to Maximize Your Selling Price While your Home is for Sale  I have talked about curb appeal, so now that the potential buyers have liked your house from the outside, they now have parked their car and are walking up to your entranceway. You don't want them to turn around and head back to their car, so here are a few tips for the front entry.      Does the front entrance and front door make a good first impression? (Remember the 10 second rule?). A fresh coat of paint can make the front door look great.      Does the front light work? You'd be surprised of the homes I go to where the porch light bulb is missing, or there are cobwebs, or are crooked or cracked. Make sure it's on if people are going to be coming after dark.   M...
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We are holding another of our interactive Buying A Home 101 seminars.   November 17th, 7:00pmCherryhill LibraryCherryhill Mall 301 Oxford St W, London   With a complete team of professionals, the home buying process from the early stages of decision making through to taking possession of your new home will be discussed.  Bring your questions for realtors, mortgage specialists, lawyers and home inspectors. Feedback from previous seminars has been excellent.See the results here If you or someone you know would like to attend, registration is easy;visit or call us at 519-438-2222.Sincerely, Patricia Howard & Warren StrongSales RepresentativesSutton Group-Preferred Realty Inc. Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Creating Curb Appeal Is Easy & Inexpensive .Someone said that you have 10 seconds to make a good first impression of your house, and if that is the case, the outside of your house may cause some buyers to keep on driving! Here are a few ideas to make them want to come inside:  Clean up the outside by removing leaves, branches, dying shrubs or other "yard clutter" to make it neat and tidy.  Sweep off the driveway, walkway, patio and deck and if you get snow, shovel it off the driveway and walkway. Put away any garden equipment such as rakes and tools. Keep the grass cut and shrubs pruned. Clean the windows and repair any caulking or paint that needs attention Make the garage and front door look as inviting as you can. If it needs it, a fresh coat of paint and kick plate can inexpensively...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
This list was provided by Melody Salazar and was taught to her by one of her teachers!  Melody called it                                                                 TIDY-UP TIPS This checklist will help keep you on track so that you will be ready to show your home to a potential buyer at a moments notice.  Remember, you are SELLERS not DWELLERS!  DO THIS DAILY: •ü  Make the beds.  •ü  Get clothes off floors and into a hamper or back on hangers....overcrowded hampers...stuff into washer or dryer temporarily. •ü  Hang towels and wash cloths on towel bars to dry. •ü  Give tubs, showers, sinks and ovens and range tops a light scrubbing after use. •ü  Wash dishes or put them in the dishwasher as soon as the meal is done. •ü  Sort and file or dispose of mail as soon as you get it. •ü  Fin...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Over the last 2 weeks I have heard and read the pros and cons of getting the HINI swine flu vaccine shot. I personally will get one when I am elegible to receive one.(I am in a group that is supposed to be healthy and less of a risk of catching it, and because of shortages, high risk groups get it first). A few points to ponder however: The Canadian government has agreed to cover the cost of any lawsuits launched against the manufacturer GlaxoSmith-Kline should something go wrong. The Canadian government approved the vaccine before Glaxo finished clinical trials Health Canada decided to to rely on tests to a similar HINI vaccine similar to one made for the European market by Glaxo. It was approved following clinical trials on 129 healthy adults between 18 and 60 According to Health Cana...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
OPEN HOUSE IN LONDON ONTARIO OF A BANK SALE IN HAZELDEN NORTH                           2 Story, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, finished basement, pool, double car garage all for $412,900! Open Saturday October 31 from 2-4PM and Sunday November 1 from 2-4 PM WHERE? 416 Stonehaven Place which is located off of Riverside Drive and Hartson Road in London Ontario. For more pictures and info, go to
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By Dan & Rachael Polakovic with The Team, London Ontario Real Estate Professionals
(Realty Executives Elite Ltd Brokerage)
Symptom Cold H1N1 Flu Fever Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the  H1N1 flu. Coughing A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the  H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). Aches Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severe aches and pains are common with the  H1N1 flu. Stuffy Nose Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the  H1N1 flu. Chills Chills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the  H1N1 flu experience chills. Tiredness T...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
The Sunningdale neighbourhood is situated in North London bordered by Fanshawe Park Road West, Richmond Street, Sunningdale Road West and Hyde Park Road and includes Medway Park and Hyland Estates. A very short drive to the Masonville shopping area and dining and the big box stores in Hyde Park. Easy access to the University of Western Ontario (UWO or Western), it's hospital and nearby  research centre. 5 minutes to downtown London and quick access to great beaches along Lake Huron such as Ipperwash, Pinery Provincial Park, Grand Bend, Bayfield and Goderich. The houses and condos in Sunningdale are tastefully laid out with many enclaves and one of a kind homes. We can assist and guide you when it is time to purchase or sell a home or condo in Sunningdale. We can provide you with neighbo...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
     The Sunningdale neighbourhood is situated in North London bordered by Fanshawe Park Road West, Richmond Street, Sunningdale Road West and Hyde Park Road and includes Medway Park and Hyland Estates. A very short drive to the Masonville shopping area and dining and the big box stores in Hyde Park. Easy access to the University of Western Ontario (UWO or Western), it's hospital and nearby  research centre. 5 minutes to downtown London and quick access to great beaches  along Lake Huron such as Ipperwash, Pinery Provincial Park, Grand Bend, Bayfield and Goderich. The houses and condos in Sunningdale are tastefully laid out with many enclaves and one of a kind homes. There are 6 addresses in Sunningdale that you could consider for an upscale condo address in London. They are:  140 McGar...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
                                            Top 10 Homes For Sale In London Ontario There are  3500+ houses for sale in London Ontario and area.We have chosen 10 each of these in 6 price ranges. With so many to choose from, even we can get confused! But not that much that we can't dedicate our resources and energy to locate and match a home that meets your needs. This list of homes for sale in London cover homes from $100,000 to over $450,000 and everything from bungalows, ranches, 2 storey homes, semis' and more. In neighbourhoods of London like Sunningdale, Uplands, Westmount, Byron, Lambeth, Oakridge, Hazelden, South London, Summerside, Cleardale, Masonville and more. Get your FREE list of top 10 homes for sale in london by going to
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
If you are just starting to look for a condo in London or are thinking of selling your condo in London Ontario, being informed can save you thousands of dollars and a ton of stress . I have been doing this Top 10 for 5 years now and the response has been outstanding. In this Top 10 Condos in London you will get FREE pictures and price ranges of the most common condo styles available, such as townhouses, apartment condos, attached condos, detached condos and freehold condos. You will also get a brief description, so when you're driving by these condo neighbourhoods you know how much the condos generally sell for.....    It's like having the teachers edition of your high school algebra  book!   You will get a link you to a City of London map with schools,parks, churches, bus routes and mo...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Are you ready to take advantage of the $1,350 Tax Rebate On Home Improvements provided by the Canadian Federal Government?          Over the weekend I was helping a client purchase a home here in London Ontario and one of their concerns were some repairs that this home required. The estimated repairs were around $5,400 and I asked if they were aware of the home renovation tax credit and other incentives provided by various government agencies?     And yesterday, I went on a listing interview (which was successful) and in suggesting some minor upgrades which would maximize the selling price, my new clients were not aware of any incentives. Again, I gladly provided this information and thought I would write this blog to allow more home buyers and home sellers to become aware of these ince...
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By Ty Lacroix
(Envelope Real Estate Brokerage Inc)
Are you thinking about buying or selling a house in Hazelden North, a subdivision in west London of upscale homes with all the amenities? Today I was researching the real estate market in Hazelden for a listing that I will put on the market in the next few days and I thought I would pass along a few tidbits. The average house that sold in Hazelden this year sold for 97% of the asking price of $395,710 and was evenly split between 2 storey homes and ranches. The average time it took for a home to sell was 28 days!                                                  What Does This Mean! If you were thinking of selling your house in Hazelden, start packing and if you are thinking about buying a house in Hazelden North, put your offer in now! This is a very desirable London neighbourhood and v...
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