
Balm Beach, ON Real Estate News

By Roger Frost, Alliston Home Inspector
(Alliston Home Inspector)
Here are some common sense tips and advice of things to do prior to the winter season arriving. It is better to be snuggled up in front of your fireplace once old man winter arrives, rather than rushing around repairing items that some fall maintenance would have prevented. So with that thought in mind please peruse the following list: 1) Furnace Inspection · Make sure your furnace is in good working order. Make sure that the thermostat and pilot light are working properly and that the pipe bringing fuel to your furnace isn't leaking or loose · Stock up on furnace filters and change them monthly. · Consider switching out your thermostat for a programmable thermostat. · If your home is heated by a hot-water radiator, bleed the valves by opening them slightly and when water appears, close...
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By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
Canadian Real Estate Investing Fundamentals -#1 If you are already a sophisticated real estate investor then you probably already know the fundamentals of what makes real estate so attractive and unique when compared to other investment vehicles. These series of articles will start with basic real estate foundations for investing and move up into more complex investing techniques as we go along. Before I entered into real estate investing full time I was a financial planner selling mutual funds, insurance and the like. It was from this background that I forged the fundamentals of real estate investing. When comparisons are drawn to investing in stocks, mutual funds, or equity markets, then the uniqueness and benefits of real estate truly make themselves evident. My decision to pour my h...
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