
Perkins, OK Real Estate News

By Ross Willingham, Realtor Associate
(Tomson Real Estate)
Volunteers from Senator Jim Inhofe's office, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka, and HUD in Oklahoma City recently started work on a new Habitat home in Oklahoma City as part of the Congress Building America program.The program draws attention to the lack of quality affordable housing across the country for lower income families. Habitat for Humanity affiliates are partnering with their local members of Congress to build energy efficient, quality affordable homes for families in need. Mary McDonald, the very personable and happy homeowner-to-be, describes with tears in her eyes how she jumped for joy and then collapsed onto a couch when she found out her application for the Habitat Home Purchase Program had been approved. "I think it's awesome that the nails I'm hammering today will b...
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By Ross Willingham, Realtor Associate
(Tomson Real Estate)
Located 9 miles south of Stillwater, the City of Perkins is a rapidly growing, bedroom community to Stillwater.  Perkins boasts of excellent schools and Cimarron Trails -- an excellent golf course with club house.  New construction is underway on the north side of town (around the golf course) and the west side of town.  Retail operators draw from a vast rural area (see map of the market area).  With excellent schools and low crime rate, Perkins offers affordable, yet high standard of living.  If you are in the market for property in the Perkins area, please contact me by calling 405.334.1966 or email  I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs.    
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By Ross Willingham, Realtor Associate
(Tomson Real Estate)
Good people find themselves in bad situations for a variety of reasons.  A good Realtor may be able to help.  Banks don't want to foreclose as their is great time and expense involved for everyone concerned.  A knowledgeable Realtor may be able to work with your lender.  He or she will advise your lender that your home has been placed on the market and will request additional time to sell the property.  Many times, the lender will approve an extended period in an attempt to sell the property.  The lender may even approve a short sale of the property (accepting less than what is owed on the property).  I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about this process.  Call Ross Willingham (405) 334-1966 or email
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Perkins, OK Real Estate Professionals