When should you use a carpet runner for your steps?
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
When should you use a carpet runner for your steps? First, let me clarify what a carpet runner is - it's when you install carpet on the steps, but you leave some space at the ends so you can see the ends of the hardwood (see below). So why do people add runners? There are 3 main reasons: 1) decoration 2) safety and, 3) reduce creaking. 1. Using a carpet runner for decoration. If these are your front steps, and especially if they can be seen from your entryway, it is one of the first things your guests (or potential buyers) see. So, if you want to make a statement and have a grand entrance, this is a really easy way to spice to things up. It adds some flair and sophistication, and nicer houses tend to have these. Runners can be very formal in design (think classical patterns or...