LOL...I've been to that address before
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
Last night I got a call from one of my favorite real estate agents. She told me she has a pending sale and her buyer wants to visit the house one more time....and she asked him if he wanted her to make arrangements for a flooring person to be there. (Gosh, I have to love her...she's looking out for her client and for me). This is in a nice condo complex in White Plains, and we've done a bunch of work there. When she told me the address, I paused as it sounded familiar - not justhe street, but the # too. I asked her who the seller was, and of course it was one of my customers from over 4 years ago. How cool is that? The agent said she couldn't remember how the floors were/what was needed...but of course I remembered. I said she has oak in the kitchen entryway, but not the livin...