Do not Ignore the Universal Signs of Abundance by Feng Shui LI
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Do not Ignore the Universal Signs of Abundance by Feng Shui LI Words of Wisdom from above. When training as a young Feng Shui consultant I remember mom teaching me some basic ways to understand energy and how to recognize signs given to us from the universe. She said, "when you see a penny pick it up. That is a sign of abundance given to you from the universe." If you find 3 in a row, you are one lucky cat ;) If for some reason you can not pick up that penny that you cross paths with, you should at least acknowledge it. Mom would tell me to say, "thank you universe for your sign of abundance," or simply say " oooo a sign of abundance." Remember, a sign does not have to just be in the form of a penny, it can be any coin. A quarter, dime, nickel or even dollar coin. Feng Shui LI *...