Geopathic Stress Dowsing Talk and Demo - July 19th, 2024 with Laura Cerrano
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
I am excited to announce that I will be presenting a new topic at Long Island's oldest metaphysical center, The Eyes of Learning. The topic of discussion will be "Geopathic Stress Dowsing" and the event will take place on Friday, July 19th, 2024 from 8PM to 10PM. I look forward to sharing my knowledge on this fascinating subject with all attendees. Join us for an engaging and informative evening at this special event. Program Description:Dowsing is a common practice in many cultures that dates back thousands of years. Dowsers of the past and today understand there is a subtle, yet powerful entanglement of energy between humans and the earth. The word Geopathic comes from two Greek words. Geo means ‘of the earth’, and pathos means ‘suffering’ or ‘disease’. Exploring Geopathic Stress D...